Sunday, April 7, 2024

Change of the realm of heart

Book 9

Blessed Family

Section 2. The Conditions for Registration

2.1. Change of the right of ownership, lineage, and realm of heart

2.1.3. Change of the realm of heart

There are conditions to be met in order to pass into the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot enter it unless you have a family of your own. As long as you are the sons and daughters of God, you have missions to fulfill. After fulfilling those missions, you are destined to meet True Parents in the world of eternity. If you do not complete this formula, it is not possible to meet them. 

When you are blessed, the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven are opened before you, but you cannot just walk in like that. First, you need to do everything according to True Father’s instructions and be registered in the position of having completed the mission of tribal messiahs. (250-112, 1993.10.12)

If you want to achieve mind and body unity, you first need to recover the essential love of God. You must realize that you still have this task to fulfill. No matter what it takes, you need to overcome this and attain this state; if you pass on to the spirit world without having done so, you will find yourself in big trouble. 

From the perspective of this logic of true love, we human beings are to become one with it, and thereby enter the realm of oneness; that is how God’s life becomes our life, God’s love becomes our love, and God’s lineage becomes our lineage. 

Unless you have the mindset that the world, which belongs to God, also belongs to you, and have the heart of a mother and father embracing the universe, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (200-230, 1990.2.25)

All of you, why don’t you try offering a prayer? 

The more you pray, the more you will find yourself in tears. The closer you get to Heavenly Father, the more you will grieve and lament. 

You need to pass through this stage and reach the point where merely thinking of Heavenly Father will make you dance for joy; but you have not reached that stage yet. 

That is why you still have to fulfill the indemnity conditions of the past and present. You need to be in such a situation that God longs for you. So, you who do not possess the qualification that is hoped for must fulfill the requirements which will enable God and you to long for each other. You should know that such a time is coming.

Then, what should you do next? You must long for the day when you will be able to register as a family of God. Moreover, you should not be the only one longing for that. All humanity must long for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

All of you must inherit the right of the true parent. Then, centering on the right of the true children, right of the true parent, and right of the true kingship, heaven and earth must be unified. 

First, there would emerge the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; secondly, the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world; thirdly, the kingship and the realm of the royal family. What is the realm of the royal family? The Cain world is still in existence. 

Therefore, we need to restore the right of the eldest son in the Cain world, and transform the Cain figure from a son bound for hell into an absolutely obedient second son, and take him to the Kingdom of God. 

That is how the realm of the royal family will come about. If Cain had not fallen, he would have become a member of the royal family. However, up until now, he has had no other place to go except hell, and so we must make it possible for him to enter the Kingdom of God.

That is why the realm of the royal family emerged. Then what follows? It is justification by attendance; that is, you need to perfect the family life of attendance. In other words, once you are standing on a victorious foundation centered on the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world, kingship, and the realm of the royal family, you need to practice a family life that serves and attends True Parents and God. By forming a vertical relationship with God, all of you must be registered; that is, all of you must occupy the position of ancestors. (274-183, 1995.10.29)

You need to remember that the favor bestowed by the True Parents is a great blessing that cannot be expressed in words alone. It cannot be exchanged for anything in the whole universe. Your clans are not an issue, nor are your wealth and possessions. God does not want to receive such profane things from you. He will despise them. 

You have to pass through the true sons and daughters, through True Mother, and through True Father. It will take three generations. 

Whatever you have is returned to God through the archangel, the son of the archangel, True Mother, and True Father. 

Once they are returned to God, they return to their original states. After you have become a part of God’s family, what you gave will be returned to you. These are not my words. This is a principle of the providence of restoration. (264-320, 1994.11.20)

Friday, September 1, 2023

Cosmic True Parents Seonghwa anniversary Words 2023

Excerpted from True Father's speech in occasion of Cosmic True Parents Seong Hwa anniversary, September 1, 2023.

The Path for America and Humanity in the last Days

January 22, 2000, in Washington, DC

Ladies and Gentlemen!

There is profound significance in the fact that I am discussing God's providence across the United States. In many ways, the United States is a country prepared by God's blessing. The forefathers who built this country were the Pilgrim Fathers, who risked their lives for the sake of the freedom of religion and came to America seeking a land of freedom.

For the sake of their search for true religious freedom, these people left behind their parents, brothers and sisters, and homelands. They were even prepared to cut their ties to their home country as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean at the risk of their lives.

When the Mayflower arrived in New England in November 1620, it was already late autumn. While they endured their first winter, more than half of the 102 people who first arrived died of the cold and hunger. What was particularly remarkable about them was that many died refusing to eat the precious seeds reserved for planting the next spring.

The Puritans strongly believed in serving the will of God in every aspect of their lives. After taking in their first harvest, they offered thanks to God. They first built a church and a school, and it was only after that that they set about to build houses where they themselves would live.

In the course of their pioneering, the Pilgrims began every activity with prayer. This was true whether it was plowing a field or fighting a war. When George Washington was at Valley Forge during the War of Independence, he must have prayed with great desperation. In a battle fought for the sake of God's will, God sided with America. In England, the king and the people were united in fighting that war, yet in America, it was fought by God and His beloved sons and daughters. Isn't this how the United States came into existence as a country advocating freedom of faith?

Even now, the United States Congress opens with a prayer. When the President is sworn into office, he places his hand on the Bible as he takes the oath of office, and a member of the clergy blesses him. America even prints the words "In God we trust" on its money. America is unique in the world in the level of importance it attaches to God. This is how the United States has come to occupy a unique position as a mainly Protestant country with worldwide influence.

What about America today, though?

Prayer in public schools is officially banned. The theory of evolution is given preference to the theory of creation in education. The divorce rate of around 50 percent is completely obliterating the sanctity of the family.

In 1971, I left my family and homeland to come to America, because I heard the voice of God sharing His concern about the current state of affairs here. Upon arriving here, I cried out that I had come as a fireman to a house that was on fire and as a physician to cure America of disease. Even then, I discovered that God was leaving America. It should be possible to find God everywhere in America, but God was departing from the hearts of people, from the families and from the schools. It seems like only yesterday that I stood on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and wept openly as I held on to God to keep Him from leaving America. Unfortunately, America has persisted in going the way of moral deterioration, as I predicted.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I would like to ask you this. Why do you suppose Rev. Moon continues to cry out to Americans in spite of all the opposition and suffering he endures? It is because I know better than anyone the blood, sweat and tears that God shed in the course of establishing this country. During the past thirty years in America, I have not spent so much as a single day in comfort.

Who is the master of America? It is neither white Americans nor black Americans. The true master of America is the person who loves America as God does. Also, I continue to plead with you because God has chosen America as the first son, the nation representing the elder son realm in building the Kingdom of God on Earth. Even now, Jesus is spiritually present mainly in America, and is offering earnest prayers that his purpose will be accomplished in America.

In 1982, in accordance with the will of God, I founded The Washington Times in Washington, D.C. Ever since then, this newspaper has led American public opinion as a conservative news medium showing the path that America must follow. Also I have pursued a strong movement for national and world salvation through the true family values movement and the pure love movement for young people. I have invested in America in expectation that this country would stand upright before God's providence.

When I visited America in 1965, I blessed an area near the White House as a holy ground, and even today many people gather there and pray for America through the night. I hope each of you will open your hearts and that you will be able to hear the earnest desires of the Pilgrim Fathers and the many patriots who have lived in America's history.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The new millennium that has just begun is the time period in which God's six thousand-year salvation providence is brought to an end and God's ideal of creation is realized throughout the cosmos. This period is also the time when the lamentations of creation, which lost its true masters as a result of the fall, are finally over. This is the time when the Parent and children who have been long-separated meet again. The new Earth and new Heaven, where there are no tears, are to be established. It is an age when there is free communication between the spirit world and the physical world, and when God's Kingdom is established in Heaven and on Earth.

The transition moment of the start of a new millennium marks the completion of the New Testament Age, the point at which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament are fulfilled. The future will be a time when God's realm of direct dominion will become apparent through His omnipresence and omniscience. It is an age when the East and West will come together centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth as "one universe under God" so that a grand family of humankind is formed on Earth. This means the perfection of the Completed Testament Age, in which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament will be fulfilled.

The time has come. The time has come when America must awaken once again. It is time for the country as a whole to create a new movement to build true parents, true families, a true country and a true world centered on God. In this way, America must keep God from leaving, and again become a society that attends Him. God worked a thousand years to establish America. If He leaves America, where can He go?

If America attends God properly, all America's problems - the family problems, moral problems, youth problems and racial problems - will be solved naturally. When America becomes a place where people of all races can live together in harmony, it will be a model for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

It is time for us to unite together and open the path that humankind must travel. It is time for America, as the elder son nation, to take the lead in attending God and to complete its mission as the helmsman that brings the nations of the world to God. I ask you to stand with me in accomplishing this historic task.

Again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you distinguished guests for your presence here. In closing, let me say that it is my fervent hope for the beginning of a new millennial kingdom overflowing with Peace, Freedom and justice in heaven and on earth.

May God’s blessing be with both you and your families. Thank you.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The significance of Holy Days

Attitude when Observing Holy Days

The significance of Holy Days

Cheon Seong Gyeong, book 7 Chapter 4 • Tradition and Daily Etiquette of Blessed Families page 1099

You should have a yearning heart for holy days. Only by establishing such a tradition can you build a life of tradition for your descendants. Holy days should be spent in joy while sharing everything with one another amid the joy of heaven. This day is based on the family and is a day for establishing the heavenly law. You should know that celebration days that occurred in this world throughout the history after the Fall were not something that brought God joy but were days that brought delight to Satan. The days for commemorating the independence of a nation or holding some international event have all been celebrated within the fallen realm. (92-250,1977.4.18)

From a principled viewpoint, the day of celebration and hope that human beings long for the most is not  the day when they were born or the day they get married, or the day you, as a citizen who lost your nation, recovered your nation, or even the day of your nation’s independence. You should know that the greatest day of hope, the day that humanity truly longs for, is God’s Day and Parents’ Day. The establishment of such a day on the earth has become our deepest wish. Once God’s Day and True Parents’ Day are established, then this naturally leads to Children’s Day and the Day of All Things. (92-252, 1977.4.18)

No one living on earth until this time has ever seen God’s Day, True Parents’ Day, True Children’s Day, and Day of All True Things. There are 365 days in a year. You should clearly understand that the most important days among all 365 days are those days that I have just mentioned, which have now appeared in providential history. You should know that these days are the king of all days, and if a year like that existed it would be the king of all years. (92-252, 1977.4.18)

The holy days and anniversaries we observe in the Unification Church are providential days of victory, obtained after bloody struggles against the satanic world. Since they are days commemorating the accomplishment of absolute victory, you should commemorate these days with a heart of thanks and gratitude toward God and True Parents.

Ceremonial robes

I will be going to the highest position, to the heavenly throne, but not all of you will be able to come with me. Because you received the precious thing called the Blessing, the door is open for you, but not all of you have the proper ceremonial robes to wear. Even if you have been invited to a feast, you cannot attend unless you have the proper clothing, can you? If you have been asked to be a groomsman at a wedding, can you go dressed as if you just finished working on the farm? You have to dress appropriately before you go. Only then will you be qualified to be welcomed into that environment. If not, you will be thrown out. They will yell at you: “Get out of here, you good for nothing!” Similarly, not everyone can come here. You cannot just come here unprepared. You must come dressed in holy robes. (212-226, 1991.1.6)

A sacrificial offering represents the life and belief of the person making it. When you buy the goods for a sacrificial offering, do not try to get a discount but give a little bit more. You should do the same when you buy material to make your holy robe. (37-279, 1970.12.30)

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days

Book 13 - Restoration of the True God’s Homeland

Section 4. The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days.

Sun Myung Moon

This is the text of one of the two speeches Rev. Moon gave on his speaking tour of 50 US states in January and February of 2001

Distinguished guests!

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you as world leaders representing every walk of life for gathering to celebrate with and congratulate me on my eightieth birthday.

In particular, I would like to offer my deepest gratitude and all glory to God who has accompanied and protected me until this day. I have lived my entire life with the earnest desire to solve the many difficult problems related to realizing God’s ideal of creation.

During the course of my life, I have totally committed myself to the salvation of humankind centered on God's Will. As a result, I came to realize that God is not sitting in the throne of glory and honor, but is a God of suffering, grief and lamentation, endeavoring to save His children suffering in hell as a result of the fall.

Ever since I understood the Will of God and His heart, I have lived my life with a single minded goal to accomplish God's Will, transcending time and space and forgetting everything else.

When I reflect upon the 80 years of my life, filled with misunderstandings and persecution, it is just amazing that I can be with you today. I believe that it is entirely thanks to God. On this day of such great significance, in order to understand human history and the world from the perspective of God's providence, I would like to speak on the topic, "The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days."

When viewing human history as God's providence of salvation, the "last days" is a turning point when the evil history of Satan concludes and God's good sovereignty begins. Accordingly, the last days are the time when everything is brought to fulfillment.

Thus in the last days, individual perfection is to be realized, family perfection is to be realized, the perfection of a people, of a nation, of the world and finally, the complete fulfillment of the cosmos is to be realized.

Whenever the time of the last days was heralded in God's providence, God led humankind to a God-centered ideology, but we failed to fulfill our responsibility to stand in the position of goodness and eradicate evil history. However, God is eternal, unchanging, absolute and unique, and God's Will is also eternal, unchanging and absolute. Therefore, through the true individual, true family, true society, true nation, true world and true sovereignty, God will surely build the world in which He can live, freely traveling and acting both in Heaven and on Earth.

Then, what is the original world for which God is seeking? It is a world that is centered on the True Parents. However, due to the fall, we lost the True Parents of humanity and the true world from the very beginning. Therefore, nothing in the world, not the land where we are living, human ideology or anything else, can connect us directly to the True Parents. Therefore, we ourselves should first be restored to trueness. By so doing, when true parents, true husband and wife, true children, true people, the true creation, the true sovereignty and true cosmos are born and can communicate with God in heart, the evil world will eventually come to an end.

The last days is the time when such an ideal will be realized. It is the time when the Second Advent will occur. Accordingly, in the last days, there will be no external catastrophic phenomena such as judgment by fire, the destruction of the earth or people levitating into the air. Instead, it is a time when the history of evil entangled with countless tragedies will be untangled.

This is established through sacrificial conditions offered on every level, those of the individual, family, society, people, nation, world and ultimately cosmos. Thus, it is the time when all of these levels that have lost their vertical connection with God will be restored. We have been longing for such a day, and that is the final destination at which we all should arrive.

However, the individual, the family and the nation have been estranged. Moreover, all kinds of problems such as air pollution, food shortage, religious struggles and racial conflicts are constantly arising throughout the world, causing disputes and even wars. Who, then, is going to take responsibility for this world? This is a serious question. Communist countries in the past could not transcend their own nationalism. Nor can today's super-power nation, America, transcend the idea of Americanizing the world. When a nation places its self-interest first, it will not be able to lead the world. Therefore, we need a people or a nation who are willing to sacrifice for a higher purpose and strive to build or become an ideal nation that embraces the entire world.

With this view, in response to the call of God, I came to this country, the United States of America. I have been making my utmost effort to revive America, by educating the youth for a country that is faced with a moral crisis and declining Christianity.

You might be curious about what I am teaching to them. It is actually simple. First, it is "to live for the sake of others." More specifically, my teaching is that the individual lives for the family, the family for the society, the society for a people, a people for a nation, a nation for the world and the world for God. Then, God will come to us.

In the family, parents are to live for children, children for parents, husband for wife and wife for husband. Anyone who lives for others more than his or her own self will become a central person on the side of goodness.

Second, I am teaching people to "love your enemy." God Himself sacrificed Jesus, His own begotten and beloved son, for the salvation of humankind. Since God did this in order to save the children of His enemy, Satan could not exercise his full authority and power before God. Even Satan cannot help but surrender voluntarily before the God who loves Satan's children more than His own. Satan's pattern is always to strike first but lose in the end, and God's strategy is to win in the end by taking the first blow and initial loss. Living with faith in such a heavenly law is the very secret explaining the foundation that I could lay, dispatching missionaries to 185 nations throughout the world despite fierce persecution and misunderstanding.

Even when looking into the history of Christian missionary activities, we can discover that theirs was a path of persecution and martyrdom, hindered by enemies. On such a way, during the course of a 2,000-year history, this trail of blood became the fertilizer in the foundation for a powerful democracy to develop.

Today, however, Christianity, which once was the source of power and strength for democracy, is facing a crisis. Christian nations have lost the right direction; they deny God, Jesus and God's providence. Now, we even hear voices asserting, "God is dead" or "God does not exist." Looking at them, how does God feel? God's heart has been searching for His children, sacrificing everything that He has, with hope that He could see a great day like today.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

For whom has God been sacrificing Himself so far? It is not for America, nor is it for Christianity. But it is for each of us, in other words, for "you" and "me" as individuals. Likewise, the reason why Jesus was crucified was also not to save the Messiah, himself, but was to save each one of us, "you" and "me."

Since the fall began on the individual level, salvation should also begin on the individual level. Accordingly, a representative of humankind should come and proclaim, "I will take full responsibility as a representative of all humankind. I will pay off all the debt that man has incurred during the entire course of history and I will become a person who will make God indebted to me instead." Without such a realization and determination, restoration is impossible. We should not be only conceptual or theoretical. On behalf of God, unless we are willing to experience miseries more than the one who is undergoing suffering in the world, we cannot reach God's heart.

Have you ever prayed in desperation for the 6 billion population of the world, with a feeling that your own children are dying? How much heart have you invested to save a family, a tribe, a people, a nation and the world, with a willingness to sacrifice yourself for them? I believe few people are confident to give a positive answer to that question. However, the Lord of the Second Advent comes to the world with such an absolute standard as the representative of all humanity.

God, who has been leading the providence of salvation, found Abraham 2,000 years after the fall of the first human ancestors. God made his descendants the chosen people, Israel, by multiplying them on every level, as a new family, a new tribe and a new people. Because the Israelites were called as the chosen people to receive the Messiah, based on the victorious foundation, they became the central people to receive the substantial Messiah who was to come in the future. If you go to the central core, you can understand that the standard and ideology that the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, should have reached and fulfilled, need to be restored. This is the thought of the Messiah. In it, the believers stand as "bride." Therefore, the ultimate purpose pursued by Christianity is not to build the Kingdom of Christianity or the world of Christianity. Its most important mission is to make preparations to become a qualified bride to receive the bridegroom.

Despite the significance of their mission, because of the crucifixion of Jesus the Israelites could not carry it out and pass on this tradition. Therefore the Israelites, although called by God as the first Israel, flew away. Christianity, called as the second Israel, arose to carry out the mission instead. God led the 6,000-year providence centered on this one purpose: Christianity was the bride prepared to receive the bridegroom. We are now in the final stage of the providence.

Then, what is the core of the Messianic thought? It is a thought to save the world; it is a teaching that can unify the world and build an ideal family, and its main purpose is to restore the position of the True Parents that was lost by the fall of the human ancestors.

By looking into the teaching of the Old and New Testaments, one can understand that the Messiah comes with the authority of the father, meets a substantial bride, who represents the power of the Holy Spirit, and restores the position of the True Parents. Therefore, Christianity is in the position of a bride to the coming Messiah. The bride and bridegroom in the "feast of the lamb" prophesied in the Book of Revelation refer to the stage of becoming the True Parents by first becoming a true husband and wife.

Jesus came with this mission. However, when he lost his people and nation, due to their faithlessness, he offered his life for the sake of the world and the Kingdom that God wished to build. The path of Jesus suffering on the cross was the same path of tribulations that God Himself walked. In such a situation of trial and tribulation, Jesus desperately prayed, "Please forgive them for they know not what they do." Even in the place of death, he forgave Rome and the group of people who opposed him, waiting for victory in the future. Therefore, the life of Jesus did not end at the age of 33. With God's help, Christianity inherited his spirit and became one of the four greatest worldwide religions in human history.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Currently, America is recognized as the super-power of the world, but unless it stands straight on the providential line of God, it will not continue to prosper.

Let us look at the history of civilization. Ancient civilizations were born mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Examples include the civilizations of the Mayas, Incas, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Yet the sphere of civilization moves from place to place.

Had we not fallen, civilization would have begun in the warm zone, corresponding to spring, and moved to the cool zone, corresponding to autumn. This is the warm-zone civilization centered today on the free world, the western civilization. In general, when viewing the equator as the center, nations such as America, England, Germany and so forth, linked around the latitude of 23 degrees north, are the developed countries of the west.

With the end of the cool zone civilization of autumn, the cold zone civilization of winter comes for a short time. This is the appearance of Communism. Many intellectuals may think that the cold war system disappeared after the dissolution of Soviet Union, but materialism and atheism are still prevalent throughout the world. They manifest in two major ideologies, democracy and communism, both of which are gradually losing power.

God's ideal of creation should have begun in the warm zone of spring, but due to the fall of the first human ancestors, it started as the tropical zone civilization. Now, the civilization of the true spring that we have been seeking from time immemorial will appear, overcoming the crisis of tropical zone civilization and the threats of cold zone civilization. Who will be able to melt the block of ice frozen in the heart of God? And how will he do it? It is impossible with power, money, science or knowledge.

As we can see from this movement of civilization centering on rivers and coastlines, the center of civilization is not fixed but is always moving to different parts of the globe. Human civilization began to develop around the Tigris and Euphrates and the Nile Rivers. The center of human civilization then shifted to the Mediterranean, especially focusing upon Greece, Rome, Spain, and Portugal. The center of human civilization then moved to the Atlantic, focusing upon Britain and the United States. Ultimately it has born fruit in the Pacific Ocean civilization of the United States, Japan, and Korea. Thus, as viewed in this way - from the perspective of the history of cultures - the Korean Peninsula occupies a very important position. To the north of Korea lie the ultimate points of the cold region civilization that link Russia and China. To the south lie the ultimate points of the cool region civilization that link the United States and Japan.

Thus, it is consistent with the Providential viewpoint that Korea gives rise to a warm region civilization representing the spring season of world history and having the capability to digest both the cold and cool region civilizations. From this aspect, the fact that Rev. Moon - who has dedicated his life to solving the North-South problem and the East-West problem - has come from Korea can only be described as the summation of God's providence.

In fact, throughout my life I have transcended race, ideology and national boundaries to pursue a movement for one world under God. It is because of God's providence that I have traveled this path. This is the principle of providential history - not a theory that I specially devised. I was enlightened regarding the will of Heaven, and rather than letting this remain as an idea alone, I have worked to bring God's concept to reality. Externally, there is no place in any region of the world where I have not been active. I have inspired evangelical and business activities in Alaska, in Antarctica, and in the countries of the former Soviet Union, in the 33 countries of South and Central America and throughout Asia and Africa. We are making preparations to solve problems that humanity will face over the coming millennium, such as environmental pollution, hunger, and disease. In recent years, I have worked centering on the Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil to lay a substantive foundation to protect the Earth's environment.

On the other hand as regards the internal aspects, I have worked through the International Holy Blessing and the Pure Love movement. Some 430 million couples around the world have participated here, adding further impetus to the building of the Kingdom of God on Earth that God has longed to see for such a long time.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Up until now, countries possessing superior power politically, militarily, and economically have controlled the world. However, no country can exist eternally unless it is in line with God's providence. The fall of the once glorious Greek and Roman civilizations are good examples of this.

The United States, which today stands tall as a super power, is in the same position as Rome was in the past. The fall of Rome occurred more as a result of the internal cause of moral corruption than from any external invasions. Moral corruption caused Rome to lose the support of heavenly fortune.

In recent history, political forces favoring dialectical materialism and the materialistic view of history went so far as to take control of over one third of the world's population and two thirds of its land area, including the former Soviet Union and China. That expansion, however, could not stand forever.

The time will come when religious leaders who speak for the Will of God will rise to prominence. Religious leaders are prophets. They must stand in the place God wills, declare God's will, and point the way that humanity must go. However, the splintering of denominations and the struggles among religious groups that we see today serve no purpose other than to hinder God's providence. That is why I have for years devoted 90 percent of our church's budget to activities that reach out to other denominations and other religions so as to contribute to the resolution of inter-religious conflict.

I also founded the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace for the following three purposes: to facilitate harmony and unity among religious groups, to contribute to resolving the conflicts that are going on in many areas of the world, and to help bring about world peace. Most recently, I founded the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, and this body has held seven international Hoon Dok Hae conferences.

All people should go beyond racial and religious differences, understand God's providence to bring His ideal world of creation into reality, and ultimately unite with God's heart. It is heart that will bring faith, hope, and love - which humankind have been pursuing - to their ultimate conclusion.

We must recover the heartistic relationship with God that we lost as a result of the human fall, and recover the positions of parent and child as God originally envisioned them to be. Thus, the Last Day that God has promised to us is the day when True Parents come. In other words, it is the day when the multitudes of people in the world, who lost their Parent as a result of the fall, will again be able to meet their original Parent. Thus, the True Parents are the final fruit of the desires and hopes of all humankind. They are the final fruit of the victories wrought throughout human history.

The Unification Church has worked to disseminate this tradition throughout the world through the International Holy Blessing Ceremony. The fact that black people, white people and yellow people are able to come together as brothers and sisters - beyond their differences of ethnicity, race, or skin color - to form loving married couples is among the most significant factors in accomplishing God's will. Today, through beginning to realize the blessed family tradition, humankind is beginning to recover the relationships of brother and sister, husband and wife, and parent and child as originally envisioned by God. Ultimately, we must go as far as to liberate God, who has been in the depths of sorrow ever since He lost His children. It is only then that the path to true happiness will be opened.

Until now, democracy has called for "human freedom" and "human liberation." In contrast, we must call for "God's freedom" and "the liberation of God." When we succeed in relieving God's sorrow, human liberation and the recovery of human freedom will follow automatically. Each of you should realize that you were born to liberate God and to liberate the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

There is profound significance in the fact that I am discussing God's providence across the United States. In many ways, the United States is a country prepared by God's blessing. The forefathers who built this country were the Pilgrim Fathers, who risked their lives for the sake of the freedom of religion and came to America seeking a land of freedom.

For the sake of their search for true religious freedom, these people left behind their parents, brothers and sisters, and homelands. They were even prepared to cut their ties to their home country as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean at the risk of their lives.

When the Mayflower arrived in New England in November 1620, it was already late autumn. While they endured their first winter, more than half of the 102 people who first arrived died of the cold and hunger. What was particularly remarkable about them was that many died refusing to eat the precious seeds reserved for planting the next spring.

The Puritans strongly believed in serving the will of God in every aspect of their lives. After taking in their first harvest, they offered thanks to God. They first built a church and a school, and it was only after that that they set about to build houses where they themselves would live.

In the course of their pioneering, the Pilgrims began every activity with prayer. This was true whether it was plowing a field or fighting a war. When George Washington was at Valley Forge during the War of Independence, he must have prayed with great desperation. In a battle fought for the sake of God's will, God sided with America. In England, the king and the people were united in fighting that war, yet in America, it was fought by God and His beloved sons and daughters. Isn't this how the United States came into existence as a country advocating freedom of faith?

Even now, the United States Congress opens with a prayer. When the President is sworn into office, he places his hand on the Bible as he takes the oath of office, and a member of the clergy blesses him. America even prints the words "In God we trust" on its money. America is unique in the world in the level of importance it attaches to God. This is how the United States has come to occupy a unique position as a mainly Protestant country with worldwide influence.

What about America today, though? 

Prayer in public schools is officially banned. The theory of evolution is given preference to the theory of creation in education. The divorce rate of around 50 percent is completely obliterating the sanctity of the family.

In 1971, I left my family and homeland to come to America, because I heard the voice of God sharing His concern about the current state of affairs here. Upon arriving here, I cried out that I had come as a fireman to a house that was on fire and as a physician to cure America of disease. Even then, I discovered that God was leaving America. It should be possible to find God everywhere in America, but God was departing from the hearts of people, from the families and from the schools. It seems like only yesterday that I stood on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and wept openly as I held on to God to keep Him from leaving America. Unfortunately, America has persisted in going the way of moral deterioration, as I predicted.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I would like to ask you this. Why do you suppose Rev. Moon continues to cry out to Americans in spite of all the opposition and suffering he endures? It is because I know better than anyone the blood, sweat, and tears that God shed in the course of establishing this country. During the past thirty years in America, I have not spent so much as a single day in comfort.

Who is the master of America? It is neither white Americans nor black Americans. The true master of America is the person who loves America as God does. Also, I continue to plead with you because God has chosen America as the first son, the nation representing the elder son realm in building the Kingdom of God on Earth. Even now, Jesus is spiritually present mainly in America, and is offering earnest prayers that his purpose will be accomplished in America.

In 1982, in accordance with the will of God, I founded The Washington Times in Washington, D.C. Ever since then, this newspaper has led American public opinion as a conservative news medium showing the path that America must follow. Also I have pursued a strong movement for national and world salvation through the true family values movement and the pure love movement for young people. I have invested in America in expectation that this country would stand upright before God's providence.

When I visited America in 1965, I blessed an area near the White House as a holy ground, and even today many people gather there and pray for America through the night. I hope each of you will open your hearts and that you will be able to hear the earnest desires of the Pilgrim Fathers and the many patriots who have lived in America's history.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The new millennium that has just begun is the time period in which God's six thousand-year salvation providence is brought to an end and God's ideal of creation is realized throughout the cosmos. This period is also the time when the lamentations of creation, which lost its true masters as a result of the fall, are finally over. This is the time when the Parent and children who have been long-separated meet again. The new Earth and new Heaven, where there are no tears, are to be established. It is an age when there is free communication between the spirit world and the physical world, and when God's Kingdom is established in Heaven and on Earth.

The transition moment of the start of a new millennium marks the completion of the New Testament Age, the point at which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament are fulfilled. The future will be a time when God's realm of direct dominion will become apparent through His omnipresence and omniscience. It is an age when the East and West will come together centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth as "one universe under God" so that a grand family of humankind is formed on Earth. This means the perfection of the Completed Testament Age, in which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament will be fulfilled.

The time has come. The time has come when America must awaken once again. It is time for the country as a whole to create a new movement to build true parents, true families, a true country and a true world centered on God. In this way, America must keep God from leaving, and again become a society that attends Him. God worked a thousand years to establish America. If He leaves America, where can He go?

If America attends God properly, all America's problems - the family problems, moral problems, youth problems and racial problems - will be solved naturally. When America becomes a place where people of all races can live together in harmony, it will be a model for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

It is time for us to unite together and open the path that humankind must travel. It is time for America, as the elder son nation, to take the lead in attending God and to complete its mission as the helmsman that brings the nations of the world to God. I ask you to stand with me in accomplishing this historic task.

Again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you distinguished guests for your presence here. In closing, let me say that it is my fervent hope for the beginning of a new millennial kingdom overflowing with peace, freedom and justice in heaven and on earth.

May God’s blessing be with both you and your families. Thank you.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

World Unification and the Unification of Korea through True Love

Restoration of the True God's Homeland
True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World

World Unification and the Unification of North and South Korea through True Love

Distinguished guests whose fervent desire is for world unification and Korean reunification

Ladies and gentlemen!

The new millennium that just began is a time to clear away the divisions and conflicts of the past century and to actualize the ideal of a single global family of harmony and unification. I wish each and every one of your families blessings for the new millennium. I would like to begin by earnestly thanking you for having come here from all over the world to congratulate me on my eightieth birthday. Most of all, I would like to return all glory to God who has preserved me until this day.

In retrospect, there has not been an easy time in my life. I have undergone historical hardships together with our people who have walked the path of all manner of suffering on the Korean peninsula which has been sandwiched in the midst of the great powers.

As a boy of sixteen, I came into contact with the will of Heaven through prayer, and throughout my life after that I have devoted all my spirit and energy to accomplishing God's will. I came to understand that the fundamental cause of human unhappiness is that the relationship with God was severed owing to human beings falling into a state of spiritual ignorance as a result of the Fall of the ancestors of humankind. Through this, people fell into ignorance with regard to God, life, and the fundamental problems of the universe. I have spoken publicly on more than ten thousand occasions in many places around the world and set forth a true view of humanity, a true view of the world, and a true view of history based on Godism. These speeches have been translated into twelve languages and published in three hundred volumes. Their contents that I teach are not the result of a comprehensive study of historical documents or scholarly research, but are rather the principles and fundamental answers I arrived at through freely communicating with both the visible and invisible worlds.

Today, as I express my gratitude at this meaningful event, I am mindful of the fact that the issue of unifying the Korean Peninsula is the solemn desire of our people and the final act of bringing the global Cold War to a conclusion. Therefore, I would like to share with you the basic answer for unification under the topic, "World Unification and the Unification of North and South Korea through True Love."

The unification of our country does not just involve the unification of national territory, but rather is the blueprint for the unification of the world that has been divided between East and West, beginning with the unification of the human mind and body that were divided by the Fall. Thus, this issue must be understood from the perspective of God's providence of salvation and must be resolved on a providential level. The history of humankind is the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity in order to recover the original world that was lost due to the Fall of the ancestors of humankind. Accordingly, history consists of the struggle between good and evil, God's side and Satan's side, in striving for the goal of actualizing God's ideal of creation.

Throughout history, behind the scenes, good spirits have always cooperated with God's side and evil spirits have cooperated on Satan's side. The rift created as a result of the Fall expanded through the family, tribe, ethnic people, nation, and world. In modern times it has manifested itself in the clash between materialism and theism based on humanism and religion respectively. If Jesus Christ had been accepted by the Jewish people two thousand years ago, he would have unified the Jewish tribes and race, and also the Arabic realm inhabited by the descendants of the twelve tribes. Thereupon, his ideology and teachings would have spread through the Middle Eastern region and the Indian region to the Far East. He would then have conquered the Roman Empire and all of Europe and formed a new religious cultural realm in which he would have become the King of all kings. However, through his death on the cross, Hellenism, which had developed first as the humanistic cultural sphere based on the external human body, continued to form the central culture of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, Christianity representing Hebraism, which was the religious cultural sphere based on the internal human spirit, faced all manner of persecution within the empire for four centuries.

What is Satan's ultimate target behind the history of struggle between good and evil ever since this conflict was brought into being as a result of the Fall of the ancestors of humankind? 

Satan has his sights set precisely on God Himself. God is eternal, unchanging, absolute, and unique, and the standard of the ideal that He held at the beginning of creation must also have these qualities. Satan seeks to destroy God's absolute will. If you were to ask God directly, He would confirm what I am saying. How would God reply if Satan asked Him, "God, when You created me as an archangel in the beginning, was it out of love that was ephemeral or eternal?" God would reply that He did so out of a love that was eternal. If He were to say that His love was ephemeral, He would make Himself an ephemeral god. Unless He maintains a standard of loving Satan eternally, there will eventually come a time when He would no longer be able to exercise His authority as God with respect to Satan. 

Thus, however much Satan may oppose Him, God has no choice other than to establish the basis of loving him. Thus, God is a proponent of the philosophy of non-resistance toward evil. Why is that? It is because, until the world of the heavenly ideal is manifested on earth, God must love the archangel who has become Satan, regardless of the circumstances.

However much trouble Satan may cause, God cannot punish him or cut him off. He must establish the basis of having loved Satan whatever his situation. God can have complete victory only when Satan confesses to Him, saying, "Oh, God really is God. I surrender to You." This is the issue. 

Since the principled path of the providence of restoration is for God to bring about Satan's surrender by loving him, we who are to become His children must walk this same path. Whether we are persecuted around the world and considered a worldwide enemy, we must establish the basis of having loved those who oppose us. In this regard, God's Word, "Love your enemies," is His strategy to subjugate evil naturally. 

These words are simple, but no one realized that they have marked the boundary between victory and defeat between God and Satan. If God were to harbor the thought of treating Satan as His enemy and seeking revenge against him, then He would never be able to stand on the pinnacle of victory. On the contrary, He implemented a strategy of love, declaring, "Love your enemy."

It is remarkable that God's only begotten son Jesus prayed for Satan despite the fact that Satan was trying to kill him. If Jesus, while dying on the cross, had harbored any feelings of malice toward his enemies, God's providence would have suffered a total reversal. By overcoming death with a heart of loving his enemies and praying for their blessing, Jesus naturally subjugated Satan. This is where he qualified to remain as God's son eternally. Even Satan recognizes this qualification and gives his endorsement. We must conduct ourselves in such a way that we too would be able to stand before God and ask, "Hey Satan, am I not unmistakably God's child?" and he would reply, "Yes, without a doubt," and if we were then to ask him, "You have no problem, then, if people who live like me expand God's reciprocal realm, starting from the individual and moving to the family, tribe, people, nation, and world?" his answer would be, "That is the Principle, so I cannot do anything about it." It is under these conditions that God has guided His providence, with the Christian cultural sphere at the center.

Walking the path of sacrifice in the position of martyrdom even to the extent of shedding blood, I have been developing a movement of loving God and loving even my enemies. We too must develop this movement in our families, societies and nations.

Through a heart of love, Christianity subjugated the Roman Empire which severely persecuted it. Christianity thus became a worldwide religion. Until now Christians have thought about loving only their personal enemies, but this is not correct. We must love even the country and world where our enemies live. As the starting point on the path to heaven is within the enemy country, unless we create the foundation of the tradition of true love and set out on the basis of this foundation, we cannot bring about God's Kingdom on earth. When the tradition is established in this way, there can never be a philosophy or ideology greater than this.

When Korea was under Japanese imperial rule, the four providential nations -- Korea, Japan, Germany, and the United States -- were in a state of enmity. Given the circumstances of that time, Japan and Korea were enemies, Japan and the United States were enemies, and the United States and Germany were enemies. Yet I practiced the way of true love by taking Japanese and Germans to the United States, their enemy nation, and telling them that it was abandoning and losing God and therefore falling into ruin and that their help was needed to revive it.

Teaching this tradition of true love, I emphasized to the Japanese and Germans that they could not establish a new worldview capable of leading humanity into a new world that God desires unless they set the basis of having loved their past enemy, the United States, even more than their own homeland. Unless people erect a base and tradition by which they are able to love the nations that are enemies of their own, God's Kingdom cannot be realized on earth. It is only within God's true love that the establishment of such a historic tradition is possible.

Despite being humiliated by the United States federal government and unjustly brought before a court of law, I nevertheless devoted utmost effort to give life to that nation by founding the conservative newspaper the Washington Times and a broadcasting station. Recently, being concerned with the future of Russia and China after the collapse of communism, I have been supporting the production of materials for their youth in moral educational programs.

I was involved in the anti-Japanese underground resistance movement under Japanese imperial rule, and from that perspective the Japanese people were my enemies, both racially and individually. Yet, after Japan's defeat in World War II, I loved the Japanese. After the war, I could have denounced the police officers who had taken me into custody for my activities in the underground Korean independence movement and tortured me severely. Had I done this, they would all have been executed. Yet when I came across Japanese policemen who were running for their lives, I packed some things for them and helped them escape to safety under the cover of darkness.

Do you know why so many young Japanese people stake their eternal lives and pledge their loyalty to me? This is because there is a principle of cause and effect which dictates that they must return what has been given them. It is because I planted the seeds of true love in the world, transcending national boundaries in accordance with God's heart. It is because I planted the foundation of heart that leads people to a life of loving the countries that were the enemies of their own. Thus, without even realizing it, they are following God's command.

Under the rule of Japan, I had reason to harbor resentment even toward its emperor, but he had already been defeated. Heaven does not strike a person who is defeated, but rather shows mercy toward those who repent their sins and apologize. As this is Heaven's way, those who raise their sword to strike a defeated person will find their own descendants driven to ruin.

The United States is also a country that considered me its enemy. Yet I left my family behind and diverted my attention from my Korean homeland to bring salvation to that nation which had fallen into great moral decay. I threw away everything that belonged to me in order to bring salvation to the world of Cain.

How much have established churches hated the Unification Church? Yet we must not fight each other as enemies. We must come together in love. When we do that, we will lead the Republic of Korea into fulfilling God's will so as to digest North Korea. If the established churches and the Unification Church had become one immediately after Korea's liberation from Japan, all problems would have been solved.

Yet because that did not happen, we have had to overcome all kinds of hardships through offering endless sacrifices to establish the basis so as to avoid fighting the enemies of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation that we faced.

Distinguished guests!

All North Korean citizens are equipped with Kim Il-Sung's Juche ideology. We must equip ourselves with the ideology of true love that is capable of assimilating them. North Korea is a part of northern civilization which has been influenced by the cold winds of soviet civilization. We must work to naturally melt them with our temperate zone civilization. Otherwise, both our countries will come to ruin. 

Thus, we must thoroughly equip ourselves with the ideology of true love. This ideology must not be one that seeks the fulfillment of individual desires, but must rather seek the salvation of all humanity. It must not be self-centered, but instead serve the greater good. Communists have the idea that everyone should work for the sake of a few top party leaders. This is why they eliminate any person who stands out as a potential rival. We are not that way. Our idea is to unite with the corresponding environment in order to establish a higher reciprocal standard, that is, for Cain and Abel to unite so as to receive their parents who are on a higher level. 

In other words, we must become able to impress them with how we live. We must be able to amaze those people equipped with communist ideology in terms of our view of life and our standard of character.

We cannot restore the Cain-type nation unless we obtain the circumstances by which we are able to exert influence over them. If we cannot restore the Cain-type nation, we cannot establish the restored nation capable of being transformed into a global nation as God's Kingdom. Though North and South Korea be divided against one another, we must liberate North Korea without fighting them. As such, they must seek the love that will benefit them mutually.

Ladies and gentlemen

At the moment North and South are going in different directions. One is trying to go south and the other north, and they are on two divergent paths. They are at cross-purposes. The question of how to reunify our nation is a serious one. Who must play the leading role for this? If the South did, the North would oppose it, and vice versa. Doing things one's own way does not work. If both sides insist on their own positions, it is certain that the situation will again result in breakdown. The question is what is to be done to overcome this. South Koreans must emerge who love North Korea more than their country. Also, North Koreans must emerge who love South Korea more than their country. There is no option or solution other than this. If there is anyone whose patriotism is greater than that of any South Korean and greater than that of any North Korean, then this is where a transnational scheme for unification will emerge. Can there be another way? However hard you may think, there is no other way.

The question is how to put this into practice. The answer is that we must suffer even more than North Koreans and even more than South Koreans.

Establishing transnational patriotism amidst such suffering is the solution that will enliven both North and South. The same principle applies to uniting the world of goodness and the world of evil. Only when someone emerges who can uphold the way of loyalty exceeding that set by our ancestors thus far can our enmeshed history be unraveled.

Jesus was particularly remarkable in this regard. In the situation of having no other option but the way of the cross owing to the disbelief of the Jewish people, Jesus realized that the only way for him to live for the sake of God and the people of Israel was for him to die for them. This was the reasoning behind the crucifixion. As Jesus' love for God and humanity exceeded that of anyone else in history, the Christian cultural sphere caused a doomed history to take a new direction toward a world designed to serve the greater good. This is historical fact. Thus, the only way to unite North and South is to become a people who can give their lives for them both. There is no other path to achieve unification. There has to be a heart of truly wanting to live together.

As regards how we should lead our lives, the fundamentals can be expressed as: the way of devoted sons and daughters, the way of loyal citizens, the way of saints, and the way of God's holy sons and daughters. It is the heart of wanting to live with others eternally and of wanting to be with others. Isn't that the case without regard to whether they are higher or lower, transcending front and back, left and right, day and night, and life and death? Such is the conclusion we arrive at. What is the common denominator among those who say, "I want to live in harmony with others?" It is not power. Power cannot transcend history. Power is limited to a specific period. The same is true with knowledge. The world of knowledge is developmental.

Does knowledge give us the heart to say, "I want to live with this particular piece of knowledge forever"? Clearly, we cannot live with knowledge or money forever. From that perspective, what is the common denominator that transcends above and below, front and back, left and right, and the time constraints of past, present, and future? This cannot be anything other than true love centering on God. Thus, filial sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving their parents profoundly in their families. Also, patriots are those who lead lives of loving their nation profoundly; saints are those who love all the people of the world profoundly; and God's holy sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving all humanity and God profoundly.

Accordingly, the issue is to develop a true foundation of heart by which people can want to have the hearts of patriots who would want their lives to be in concert with the fortunes of the nation, look upon any difficulties faced by the nation as their own personal pains and difficulties, and look upon any joys experienced by their nation not as temporary but rather as eternal joys to be shared with everyone. Those blessed with the ties of true love and true heart are accorded the privilege of joining the realm of unification.

Ladies and gentlemen

If an illiterate woman married a Ph.D. holder, wouldn't she suddenly become the wife of a Ph.D. holder? Likewise, those abundantly blessed with the ties of heart and desiring to live with others in harmony have the privilege of joining the realm of unification today. As God Himself is a being with such a heart, if we live such lives in which we are one with God, we automatically become qualified to participate together with Him. Then from where and with what should the unification of North and South Korea be achieved? If we were to subjugate the other side forcibly, then eventually they would develop a force stronger than ours, and the conflict would begin all over again. There would be no way of achieving unification by this method. Only when each of us has the heart to say, "Even though I live in the South, I truly want to live in harmony with those people in the North. I truly want to unite with them" will the way to unification be opened.

Suppose people in the South were to consider our compatriots in the North and shed tears over their miserable living conditions. Suppose we were to tell them, "I am leading my life in a way that I can share in your difficulties." Suppose we were to promise them, "Someday soon, I will appear before you having completed the preparations for your day of liberation" and a movement actualizing true love for the sake of unification unfolded; the day of unification would not be far off.

Ladies and gentlemen!

The first step for us is to think how we can live in harmony in our hometown. No one can be a patriot if they do not want to live with their parents or in their hometowns, and any claim such people might make to being patriotic would be a lie. People must be able to live in harmony in their own country before they can live in harmony in the world. Also, people must live in harmony in the world before they can live in harmony with God. Thus, they cannot be patriots unless they first love their hometowns and local societies. How much do our political leaders love their nation? Any politicians who lack a heart of truly wanting to share in the life of common citizens will soon pass on. It does not matter how well bred or educated they may be. They will disappear like an air bubble formed on a water surface.

Healing the division between North and South is not a simple process. As fellow patriots struggle to bring this about, they will need a determination of heart to work through many sleepless nights, transcending time and overcoming all manner of difficulties. The movement for the unification of North and South Korea begins when both sides have such a heart toward the other: "I truly want to live with them. I do not want to die unless with them. I do not want to live unless with them." When that reunification is accomplished, the unification of the democratic and communist worlds will begin from here. We must consider the future of our people and of the world, as representatives of the world, the six billion members of humankind, and the three billion people of Asia. We must be resolved to develop a movement that will truly enable us to share in the lives of all of them. When such efforts connect you to the way of saints, then you will come to resemble saints. If you practice this with respect to God with the loyalty of His sons and daughters, then you will become His heirs and the successors to His will. I convey these things to you today because I have already confirmed their truth in my life.

Distinguished guests!

When people enter into a relationship of true love with God, they must be accorded the privilege to have the rights of dominion, ownership, and inheritance. In dynamics, input exceeds output, but in the world of true love, output exceeds input.

What is true love? It is altruistic love that naturally gives and forgets. No memory is kept of how much was given. It is a love that never tires of giving. There would be nothing strange about a nonagenarian mother warning her septuagenarian son, "Be careful when you cross the street." Even if she has repeated those same words countless times over several decades, she will always say them one more time.

If this is true with parents in the fallen world, how can we ever grow tired of giving and receiving God's love in the essential world? When we establish the realm of God's true objective partner in our own lives and understand the unchanging glory of true love for the first time, we will then be able to validate the logic of eternal life. In 1984, I was lying in bed alone unjustly incarcerated in prison in the United States, when God came and told me that I was the only person He could trust and that He wanted me to resolve the situation in Nicaragua. Am I really the only person God can come to with such a command? The United States is said to be a great country standing at the forefront of all developed countries. It has a population of 240 million and innumerable religious leaders. How wretched God must have been that He could not go to any of those people but had to come to me. Yet as God knows how to find people who have a great love for humanity, He came to me, who had been worrying about the world day and night. Had I not already established the Washington Times, and extended help at that time, South America would have fallen into ideological chaos.

Ladies and gentlemen!

The unification of North and South Korea fervently desired by our people is also God's earnest desire in this age. It is Heaven's desire that North and South Korea be united and that God's dwelling place be established in your families, churches, and nation. How then are we to attend God? How can we cleanse everything? What can we use to cleanse everything so that God will say it is completely clean? Nothing else matters. We must establish a foundation centering on true love surpassing our love for our parents, spouse, and children. Only when our offerings are placed on the altar centering on such love will the ideal North-South unification come. The ideal blending of Eastern and Western cultures will take place. The ideal unification of the divided physical and spirit worlds will come about. The realm of liberation of hell and heaven will come into being. The key of true love is needed.

Mind-body unity through love can always be interrelated with the unification of family love. A loving couple with a harmonized family can interrelate with the tribe, nation, and world. If a loving husband and wife are united, who would disparage and trample on them? Wouldn't a cosmos unifying harmonized families, races, governments, worlds, heaven and earth, true human love, and God be the utopia of true love? In the same way that plants receive life elements by absorbing the rays of the sun, love will be the life element for all humankind. Our fervent desire is to build God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven, where we can live while idolizing true love eternally. Yet how many people in this world are the subject partners or object partners of true love, can stand as people of character qualified to be the lords of all things, and possess both the value of a remarkable life and the privileges that come with such a life?

I sincerely hope that all of you participating today will not forget all this, and work to unite your minds and bodies, and that you will start by becoming people who live for the sake of your spouses, and go on to become true people who live for the sake of your families, races, nations, and the world. If you do that, then Korean reunification will be as good as done. However strong North Korea's Juche ideology may be, it is effortlessly absorbed and disappears when placed in the midst of God's love. Once we are equipped with hearts of true love, Korean reunification will never be a problem. Not only that; east-west differences and the global North-South divide between rich and poor nations can also be completely resolved through God's true love.

Realizing the boundless realm of peace of the ideal world that links the ideal of the nation to the ideals of the race, family, and individual, through assimilating the ideal for the world and the nation through God's ideal that I have described, is without a doubt the way that the world of peace of true love will be built on earth.

Distinguished guests!

I declared the fundamental principle for unification more than forty years ago, initiated an ideological movement centered on Godism both domestically and overseas, and laid the international groundwork for unification in the four great powers surrounding the Korean peninsula. Millions of members in Korea, Japan, and the United States have worked through the International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC) and CAUSA to lay non-governmental foundations in each of these countries. Over the years, leaders of many countries and the philosophical world have recognized Godism as the only philosophy capable not only of unifying materialism and atheism, its diametrical opposites, but also of liberating secular humanism.

My patriotic compatriots burning with hope for the reunification of our country!

Let us together establish our view of value on the basis of the Godism of true love and totally rally together in arming our citizens with this ideology. Let us make Korean reunification a matter of faith for ourselves, the Korean people, and world peace. Let us stand and answer the calling of this age, history, and of Heaven to become leaders and people of righteousness standing at the forefront of the movement for the unification of North and South Korea. In particular, as history went awry at the beginning due to Eve's error, so in the Last Days women with their motherly love need to take the lead in overcoming conflict and strife in the age of division and create a new history of reconciliation and unity.

It is especially the mission of women to restore young men and women and students, who are in the position of being their children, through true education. Then mothers and their children together should set examples for educating even their husbands in becoming God's sons, following the True Parents in attending God in order to restore the ideal of God's Kingdom on earth. In conclusion, once again I hope that the words that I have shared with you today will bring to fruition a nationwide movement that will hasten the day when North and South Koreans can meet each other in true love. I pray God's blessing may be with your families. Thank you. 



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