Book 6
Our Life and the Spiritual Realm
Section 6. Judgment
6.2. True Parents pass judgment based on the governing law of love
in the world is the savior? What is the purpose of his coming? He is not coming
to be a political leader. Why would a savior come? Christians today say that
when the Lord comes they will all rise up and be lifted into the sky, and those
left on earth will be judged. That will not happen. That is not the reality. They
say he brings judgment, but the savior does not come to pass judgment. He comes
as God’s Son and also as the Parent of humankind.
the person who comes as the Parent of humankind, and with a parental heart,
remove his sons and daughters who are groaning in illness and on the verge of
death saying, “Hey you, go to hell!”? Even parents in the fallen world would
choke with grief and sorrow to see their children dying in such a miserable state.
Their heart would compel them to do anything to save their children, even if
they lose their own life. If that is how the parents in the fallen world are,
how much more so would it be, for the Savior who comes with the heart of the
original Parent? Judgment would be unthinkable. Isn’t that so? (222-150,
recite the Bible saying, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” It says
that God so loved the world. Jesus came to save the whole world, not just for the
salvation of Christians. Is he going to bring judgment in the Last Days? Then the
statement that “God so loved the world” would be wrong. Does He only love the
Christians? They do not know that God always has love. We have to teach this to
them to make them repent and change their minds. Away with denominationalists!
(210-110, 1990.12.1)
churches today say that God passes judgment and does other things. Yet, if God
were free to do as He wants, there would be no need to withhold judgment in
this way until now. He would have executed judgment immediately after the Fall.
There is no principle that allows God to establish His ideal of love on the
foundation of victory gained through rendering judgment. (210-61, 1990. 12.1)
is the error in the philosophy of Christian churches today? It is in calling
God the Judge of righteousness. If you take on the role of a judge for five
years, you will start to become bent over. Why? Because you cannot stand
upright. Christians did not know this. They have just revered God as the God of
might and the omnipotent God. They believed they could do anything if they
became one with Him. This is where they, got the theory that justifies the
killing of people. Since western culture today is based on Christianity, it has
cultivated the philosophy of force, so Western Civilization is connected to bloody
conflicts. (208-248, 1990.11.20)
does not judge people directly. In passing judgment and disposing of the evil
people on earth, God does not want to do that Himself. He allows Satan to do
that. (204-60, 1990.7.1)
God is about to pass judgment on this world and someone says, “Please wait a
moment. God, take a look at this. It is something very interesting,” and God
answers, “What is it?” and the person then says, “It is the palm of my hand.
Look how nice the lines of my palm are. I do what I do because my lines are much
prettier than Yours,” what would God do? Wouldn’t His anger dissipate as He
compares the lines of His palm with that person?
that person says, “God, are you going to cut off my hand? Are you going to
judge me?” God would answer, laughing, “Hee, hee, you scoundrel, you scoundrel!”
Even though that person may be ugly, God feels entertained. Do you understand
what I am saying? There should be both the positive aspect and the negative
aspect. To become a masterpiece your character must develop a multi-dimensional
structure. Everything must do so. Only when someone brings these plus and minus
aspects together can he become someone of rounded character.
matter how angry God may be, rather than saying, “God don’t do this” to Him,
it’s better to say, “God, take a look at that, over there.” Then God would say,
“Why?” Then you would say, “That eagle is preying on that chicken.” God would
probably say, “Let the chicken be caught.” Then you should say, “You’re just
like that eagle!” Then God would be stuck. “Hey, you scoundrel, what did you
say? I...” Then God would not be able to say anything anymore except, “Ahem...”
(202-219, 1990.5.24)
you ask God, He would not say that He wants to become the righteous Lord of
Judgment. God does not pass judgment. Such words are for those who do not know
the spirit world. When you read Christian sermons, they seem so illogical. They
really don’t know the spirit world.
they go to heaven thinking like that? Go and see for yourself what happens.
They will all be eaten up. They are worse than worldly people. I don’t relate to
such people. If a dog barks and you bark with it, that makes you one too. Then
what? I don’t relate with them. Yet I feel sorry for them, so later on if they were
starving, I would think to bring them something to eat. (201-286, 1990.4.29)
as a whole must wake up. The teaching of the founder of the Unification Church
is the truth that will save the world. It is the word of true love and life
that the whole of humanity needs for eternity. When the returning Lord comes to
save the world, he should not judge humankind with his rod of iron. By hitting
people, he would not be able to bring even one person to complete submission.
mother’s hand is gnarled and bent like the back of a toad because of the labor
she went through for her child. The mother’s sacrificial love has the power to
turn around her disobedient child and make him repent. This is not possible
using a stick. Without true love, the unification of heaven and earth would be
impossible even for God who is the great king of judgment, and who can freely
lead heaven and earth as He pleases. Difficulties are not a problem for true
love. True love has the strength to go on even while you cast away your life.
(201-139, 1990.4.30)
can melt the enemy. Love has the power to make even the most disobedient child
become a filial son or daughter. Only love has the power to make those who were
called traitor surrender and become a loyal servant. This is possible.
Therefore, from time, immemorial people have longed to live bonded by love,
regardless of a person’s appearance. Who told you to say “Amen”? Amen is my
patent. (195-70, 1989.11.5)
teaches that God became the judge of righteousness, predestines people’s fate,
and then saves them. Does that make any sense at all? It is utterly misleading.
I have found that God is not like that. If God had predestined people to go to
heaven and hell from their birth, what kind of God of goodness is that? It
would not make sense logically. It has to fit logic to become common sense.
There is no truth that goes against common sense.
what happens to a chief justice who passes the death sentence and puts five
murderers to death. He would have to get a medical checkup each time. The laws
in the Republic of Korea are different from the laws in North Korea. Those who
are sentenced to death here can become a patriot in the north. When you think
about the principles of heaven and earth and the law of righteousness, do you
think a judge would feel comfortable? (200-192, 1990.2.25)
By the
use of power alone, the unification of heaven and earth would be impossible,
even for God who is the great king of judgment, and who can freely lead heaven
and earth as He pleases. It would not be possible with money, knowledge or
authority. Love is the only thing that can make this possible. (200-173,
cannot pass judgment on the devil. In the book of Job, why did God deal with
Satan despite the fact that Satan had followed God around and tried to take
control? God was compelled to deal with him. Satan would say, “Unless You
digest me in Your love, unless you set the original standard after digesting me
in love, you cannot control me. Isn’t this Your Way? You are supposed to
dominate me after overcoming the way of absolute love, beyond all the complete
ways of the principled love. Since You haven’t reached that point, You cannot
dominate me. If You want to dominate me, if You want to bring me into
submission, You have to do so based on the standard that conforms to the Way. I
would submit to the individual on the individual level, to the family on the
family level, to the tribe on the tribal level, and to the people on the
national level. But this won’t happen unless You set the standard, will it?”
God could not make a move and would be stuck. You should know this. (188-228,
this world, if you are asked, “What do you want to do?” you would answer, “I
want to become a judge for the Supreme Court.” Isn’t that the case for you?
Everyone likes a judge, don’t they? Christians today say, “God is the great
Master of heaven and earth. He is also the Judge who discriminates good from
evil, sends good people to heaven, evil people to hell, and rules heaven and earth
based on the law of righteousness.” Would you like such a judge? If He had sent
billions of people to hell throughout history until now, would God’s mind be at
ease? That could never happen.
this way, it is not God’s ambition to sit on His throne and exercise His authority
as the judge of righteousness. God hates those things. (201-21, 1990.2.28)
know yourself more than God knows you. Therefore, we do not need the Lord of
judgment. Actually, we do not need a God of judgment. Your conscience knows
best. In the light of this fundamental rule, how much you have contributed with
the purpose of bringing liberation based on the liberated standard will be
measured accordingly. You would know if you are authentic or fake. Would you
know or not? If you don’t, there is no hope. If you don’t, you have to go to
the public cemetery, you would have to go into the waste bin, or be driven into
the Pacific Ocean on a raft. That’s something hard to handle.
know what is good and evil. Even by saying one word, you would know what is
wrong. Your gaze would know what is wrong, the sound you hear, your sense of
touch would all know.
you go to the spirit world all this will be revealed. If you raise your head,
everything about you appears. The mirror of your mind, the light of your mind
would instantly appear. There would be no need to explain. It is like this because
you do not know the spirit world. Since I know about this, I am calm even when
the people of this world curse me. I have continued right until now doing
things that people regard as foolish. (201-270, 1990.4.29)
this world there are servants of servants, servants, adopted children and
children by concubines. The world is muddied. Order must be made. With what
will we find order? It is possible only through love. Religions that inherited
and carried on the traditional way of love should have become global religions.
Religions that go against the way of love and those who do not follow this love
will be judged as the representatives who take responsibility for their age in history.
will pass judgment on the world? It will be the tradition of love, the tradition
of loving heaven and earth, the tradition of loving the world, the tradition of
loving the nation, the tradition of loving the people, the tradition of loving
one’s family, the tradition of loving one’s parents and one’s wife and brothers,
and the tradition of loving oneself. (192-75, 1989.7.2)
is the Judge and Jesus is like an attorney. Yet there has never been a public
prosecutor on the side of heaven. So far, the devil has been the prosecutor. A prosecutor,
a judge, and an attorney on the heavenly side should appear. In the light of
this, since the Unification Church is equipped with everything, it should do away
with Satan, humanism, obscenity, and “destruction-ism” from this earth forever.
This is the belief system of the Unification Church. (192-49, 1989.7.2)
is nothing else God desires more than love. Who would be His greatest enemy in
the Last Days? What is the number one premise for judgment? In the Last Days,
individualistic self-love becomes the number one premise for judgment. For
scholars, the scholarly awareness and their desire to study will become the
basis for judgment. The things you like most will become the basis for your
judgment. For the person who likes money the most – a person who sacrifices
everything to gather money – that will become the condition for his judgment.
For those who like honor and for those who like authority, those things will be
the condition for their judgment. For a woman there will be something that she
likes according to all her attributes and specific nature. That will be the
condition for her judgment. (170-92, 1987.11.8)
though I have been criticized, I do not think about it. Even though I have been
whipped, it is no longer in my memory. Many circumstances I experienced from
such a history, but I do not seek to pass judgment based on those things. I am
going along that path with love in order to digest something even greater.
Therefore, I think God likes me.
would also yearn for such a person. I do not like the people who do something and
then seek compensation. Is there anyone who would ask for compensation from me?
Show your face and talk to me. (148-56, 1986.10.4)
you repent, you will have to receive the judgment of righteousness. There is no
one who can stand before the governing law of love. At that time I will become
your attorney, my family and tribe will become your attorney, all those leaders
in the Unification Church will become your attorney – even God would be your
attorney. Only when the scope of attorneys exceeds that of the realm of
accusation, can you be registered as the people of the heavenly kingdom of
goodness. Anything less and you will not be able to register. (147-331, 1986.10.1)
also, follow the way of the heavenly law. Therefore, you must follow this path without
a word. The day you follow this path without a word, you will be given the
benefit of joining me on that path. However, if you build your own house and
create your own territory on that path, in a self-centered way, you will be
accused and judged; just like those in prison who were sent there because they
broke a certain provision of the law. They did not break all the laws of the nation.
They only broke a certain number of provisions of the law. In the same way, if
you also break certain laws, you will not be free to follow that path. (147- 317,
if we face ruin together, do not go the way of a betrayer. Even if that befalls
us, we will stand in a good position in the spirit world. If you have not been
a traitor, you can always prosper within the group of people that have not been
traitors. On the other hand, traitors cannot prosper. There would always be
something blocking you. You would not have the strength to digest it and go
further. Such is the way for traitors to the nation. If you betray your nation despite
having made a determination to follow the way for the greater good, you will
always be judged and pushed by your responsibility for that greater good. There
would be no way to avoid it. (144- 254, 1986.4.25)
the world moves towards establishing one nation, you will have to write in
detail the past course of your life, and pass through the courts of judgment. Without
going through a re-examination, you cannot advance to the position of
national-level Blessings. The path towards world-level Blessings still remains.
The Blessing given in the Unification Church is a church Blessing. Judgment
comes from the Unification family, from blessed children, and from blessed
parents. I am thinking that it will progress towards world-level judgment in
line with a special dispensation. You should know this clearly.
good-for-nothings here, who received the Blessing, should really straighten up
your acts. If you set aside the Principle and live your own way, do you think
that the principled world, the world of God’s will would establish relations
with you? No way. If that were possible, I would not be going through such hardships.
(137-259, 1986.1.3)
will be judged by an iron mace through God’s love, God’s life, and God’s
lineage. Such a time will come. The Messiah comes at that time. Do you know
what kind of person the Messiah and Savior is? He comes to search for the order
of original love and the palace of eternal life, love, and lineage of the original
God. You should know that he is the one who comes to establish the base of happiness
and gain supremacy through true love in the family and the tribe connected to
him, and in the nation and world beyond. (209-40, 1990.11.25)
is God’s family? True love, which is in God’s position, will fit in the family
when it is taken to the bottom, and would fit anywhere even if it is removed and
placed somewhere else. Even if a grandchild climbs on the shoulder of his grandfather,
he will not be judged by the family law. Even if the grandson takes away the
grandfather’s blankets, leaving the grandfather to sleep curled up in the
corner, he will not be judged as an unfilial son. Everything would be okay in
true love. (209-102, 1990.11.27)
may call upon the name of True Parents, but have you ever attended True Parents?
You can stand in a position of attendance only if you can stay up at night
later than me. You can stand in that position only if you suffer more than me.
Following me, you all became like parasites. The word parasite fits you well.
You imposters! There are many like you in the Unification Church. Now this situation
needs to be cleaned up.
bitterness about the secular world as I do, I am thinking to purge away those
in the Unification Church who just play around and live comfortably. As I must
judge the world, I will begin by judging these people. If they do not conform
to the way of my teachings, they must be cleared away. (260-80, 1994.4.11)
is nothing this satanic world can offer in building the heavenly kingdom. This
must all be burnt away. That is why I made holy salt to sanctify these things
so that they can be used again. The fallen world must also be burnt away. It must
be judged by fire. People must be recreated by my hand. I will invest my heart
in saving them so that I can bring them to heaven.
far I have never shed the blood of another life with my hand. If the day were
ever to come that I had to lift my hand, it would be a fearful one. You should
bear this in mind so that such consequences do not come to pass. Do you
understand? The problem will be great on the day I see blood. That is how the
fundamental rule is. That is why I am even trying to save Kim Il-sung. (210-73,
have thought about how many people would remain if I drank alcohol, sat here,
urinated, asked why they were here and chased them away. Why do you laugh? That
kind of judgment is something that can happen to anyone in heaven and earth.
order to find the true woman who can take part in true love... if I became
half-crazy, took off my clothes and urinated right there, I wonder how many
would remain. Why? You do not know how terrible the path was that I took. This
you do not know. Even my own mother does not know. Even Mother here does not
know. Therefore, many spiritualist ladies cry tearfully in pity for me. If I do
not say this, who would know? You do not know how serious the problems were
that I have confronted, and how much I have had to fight with spirit and body.
(210-81, 1990.12.1)
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