Sunday, April 7, 2024

Change of the realm of heart

Book 9

Blessed Family

Section 2. The Conditions for Registration

2.1. Change of the right of ownership, lineage, and realm of heart

2.1.3. Change of the realm of heart

There are conditions to be met in order to pass into the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot enter it unless you have a family of your own. As long as you are the sons and daughters of God, you have missions to fulfill. After fulfilling those missions, you are destined to meet True Parents in the world of eternity. If you do not complete this formula, it is not possible to meet them. 

When you are blessed, the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven are opened before you, but you cannot just walk in like that. First, you need to do everything according to True Father’s instructions and be registered in the position of having completed the mission of tribal messiahs. (250-112, 1993.10.12)

If you want to achieve mind and body unity, you first need to recover the essential love of God. You must realize that you still have this task to fulfill. No matter what it takes, you need to overcome this and attain this state; if you pass on to the spirit world without having done so, you will find yourself in big trouble. 

From the perspective of this logic of true love, we human beings are to become one with it, and thereby enter the realm of oneness; that is how God’s life becomes our life, God’s love becomes our love, and God’s lineage becomes our lineage. 

Unless you have the mindset that the world, which belongs to God, also belongs to you, and have the heart of a mother and father embracing the universe, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (200-230, 1990.2.25)

All of you, why don’t you try offering a prayer? 

The more you pray, the more you will find yourself in tears. The closer you get to Heavenly Father, the more you will grieve and lament. 

You need to pass through this stage and reach the point where merely thinking of Heavenly Father will make you dance for joy; but you have not reached that stage yet. 

That is why you still have to fulfill the indemnity conditions of the past and present. You need to be in such a situation that God longs for you. So, you who do not possess the qualification that is hoped for must fulfill the requirements which will enable God and you to long for each other. You should know that such a time is coming.

Then, what should you do next? You must long for the day when you will be able to register as a family of God. Moreover, you should not be the only one longing for that. All humanity must long for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

All of you must inherit the right of the true parent. Then, centering on the right of the true children, right of the true parent, and right of the true kingship, heaven and earth must be unified. 

First, there would emerge the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; secondly, the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world; thirdly, the kingship and the realm of the royal family. What is the realm of the royal family? The Cain world is still in existence. 

Therefore, we need to restore the right of the eldest son in the Cain world, and transform the Cain figure from a son bound for hell into an absolutely obedient second son, and take him to the Kingdom of God. 

That is how the realm of the royal family will come about. If Cain had not fallen, he would have become a member of the royal family. However, up until now, he has had no other place to go except hell, and so we must make it possible for him to enter the Kingdom of God.

That is why the realm of the royal family emerged. Then what follows? It is justification by attendance; that is, you need to perfect the family life of attendance. In other words, once you are standing on a victorious foundation centered on the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world, kingship, and the realm of the royal family, you need to practice a family life that serves and attends True Parents and God. By forming a vertical relationship with God, all of you must be registered; that is, all of you must occupy the position of ancestors. (274-183, 1995.10.29)

You need to remember that the favor bestowed by the True Parents is a great blessing that cannot be expressed in words alone. It cannot be exchanged for anything in the whole universe. Your clans are not an issue, nor are your wealth and possessions. God does not want to receive such profane things from you. He will despise them. 

You have to pass through the true sons and daughters, through True Mother, and through True Father. It will take three generations. 

Whatever you have is returned to God through the archangel, the son of the archangel, True Mother, and True Father. 

Once they are returned to God, they return to their original states. After you have become a part of God’s family, what you gave will be returned to you. These are not my words. This is a principle of the providence of restoration. (264-320, 1994.11.20)

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