Excerpted from True
Father's speech in occasion of Cosmic True Parents Seong Hwa anniversary, September 1, 2023.
The Path for America
and Humanity in the last Days
January 22, 2000, in Washington,
Ladies and Gentlemen!
There is profound
significance in the fact that I am discussing God's providence across the
United States. In many ways, the United States is a country prepared by God's
blessing. The forefathers who built this country were the Pilgrim Fathers, who
risked their lives for the sake of the freedom of religion and came to America
seeking a land of freedom.
For the sake of their
search for true religious freedom, these people left behind their parents,
brothers and sisters, and homelands. They were even prepared to cut their ties
to their home country as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean at the risk of their
When the Mayflower
arrived in New England in November 1620, it was already late autumn. While they
endured their first winter, more than half of the 102 people who first arrived
died of the cold and hunger. What was particularly remarkable about them was
that many died refusing to eat the precious seeds reserved for planting the
next spring.
The Puritans strongly believed in serving the will of God in every aspect of their lives. After taking in their first harvest, they offered thanks to God. They first built a church and a school, and it was only after that that they set about to build houses where they themselves would live.
In the course of
their pioneering, the Pilgrims began every activity with prayer. This was true
whether it was plowing a field or fighting a war. When George Washington was at
Valley Forge during the War of Independence, he must have prayed with great
desperation. In a battle fought for the sake of God's will, God sided with
America. In England, the king and the people were united in fighting that war,
yet in America, it was fought by God and His beloved sons and daughters. Isn't
this how the United States came into existence as a country advocating freedom
of faith?
Even now, the United
States Congress opens with a prayer. When the President is sworn into office,
he places his hand on the Bible as he takes the oath of office, and a member of
the clergy blesses him. America even prints the words "In God we
trust" on its money. America is unique in the world in the level of
importance it attaches to God. This is how the United States has come to occupy
a unique position as a mainly Protestant country with worldwide influence.
What about America today, though?
Prayer in public
schools is officially banned. The theory of evolution is given preference to
the theory of creation in education. The divorce rate of around 50 percent is
completely obliterating the sanctity of the family.
In 1971, I left my
family and homeland to come to America, because I heard the voice of God
sharing His concern about the current state of affairs here. Upon arriving
here, I cried out that I had come as a fireman to a house that was on fire and
as a physician to cure America of disease. Even then, I discovered that God was
leaving America. It should be possible to find God everywhere in America, but
God was departing from the hearts of people, from the families and from the
schools. It seems like only yesterday that I stood on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan
and wept openly as I held on to God to keep Him from leaving America.
Unfortunately, America has persisted in going the way of moral deterioration,
as I predicted.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would like to ask you
this. Why do you suppose Rev. Moon continues to cry out to Americans in spite
of all the opposition and suffering he endures? It is because I know better
than anyone the blood, sweat and tears that God shed in the course of
establishing this country. During the past thirty years in America, I have not
spent so much as a single day in comfort.
Who is the master of
America? It is neither white Americans nor black Americans. The true master of
America is the person who loves America as God does. Also, I continue to plead
with you because God has chosen America as the first son, the nation
representing the elder son realm in building the Kingdom of God on Earth. Even
now, Jesus is spiritually present mainly in America, and is offering earnest
prayers that his purpose will be accomplished in America.
In 1982, in
accordance with the will of God, I founded The Washington Times in Washington,
D.C. Ever since then, this newspaper has led American public opinion as a
conservative news medium showing the path that America must follow. Also I have
pursued a strong movement for national and world salvation through the true
family values movement and the pure love movement for young people. I have
invested in America in expectation that this country would stand upright before
God's providence.
When I visited America
in 1965, I blessed an area near the White House as a holy ground, and even
today many people gather there and pray for America through the night. I hope
each of you will open your hearts and that you will be able to hear the earnest
desires of the Pilgrim Fathers and the many patriots who have lived in
America's history.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
The new millennium
that has just begun is the time period in which God's six thousand-year
salvation providence is brought to an end and God's ideal of creation is
realized throughout the cosmos. This period is also the time when the
lamentations of creation, which lost its true masters as a result of the fall,
are finally over. This is the time when the Parent and children who have been
long-separated meet again. The new Earth and new Heaven, where there are no
tears, are to be established. It is an age when there is free communication
between the spirit world and the physical world, and when God's Kingdom is established
in Heaven and on Earth.
The transition moment
of the start of a new millennium marks the completion of the New Testament Age,
the point at which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament are
fulfilled. The future will be a time when God's realm of direct dominion will
become apparent through His omnipresence and omniscience. It is an age when the
East and West will come together centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth
as "one universe under God" so that a grand family of humankind is
formed on Earth. This means the perfection of the Completed Testament Age, in
which the promises of the Old Testament and New Testament will be fulfilled.
The time has come.
The time has come when America must awaken once again. It is time for the
country as a whole to create a new movement to build true parents, true
families, a true country and a true world centered on God. In this way, America
must keep God from leaving, and again become a society that attends Him. God
worked a thousand years to establish America. If He leaves America, where can
He go?
If America attends
God properly, all America's problems - the family problems, moral problems,
youth problems and racial problems - will be solved naturally. When America
becomes a place where people of all races can live together in harmony, it will
be a model for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
It is time for us to
unite together and open the path that humankind must travel. It is time for
America, as the elder son nation, to take the lead in attending God and to
complete its mission as the helmsman that brings the nations of the world to
God. I ask you to stand with me in accomplishing this historic task.
Again, I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to you distinguished guests for your presence
here. In closing, let me say that it is my fervent hope for the beginning of a
new millennial kingdom overflowing with Peace, Freedom and justice in heaven
and on earth.
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