Thursday, September 19, 2019

06. Our Life and the Spiritualm Realm

Section 1. Our Path of Life

1.1. We cannot foresee our immediate future

It is a common saying that human beings come and go. This applies even to the most eminent people of history. You need to be aware that the continuing influence of heavenly principles in the flow of history applies to us even at this moment. We shall come and go ourselves. We do not know by what internal affinities or through what relationships we came to be here, but we know that the reality is we came into this world, have struggled with all kinds of phenomena and ideological concepts, and will eventually depart this world. If that is so, for what did we come here, and for what purpose do we pass on? Numerous philosophers and religious people have devoted their entire lives to the resolution of these issues but have failed. Human history has continued to this day tainted by the grief from such continuing failure, and even now continues on this path. (7-178, 1959. 9.6)

Why was I brought into this world? Why do I have to live? Where am I heading? You should never allow yourself to think that you were born by your own will. You were born into this world, yet you do not know the source and purpose behind your birth. You are ignorant of the motivation and purpose of your being. In other words, we were born in spite of our wishes. We live notwithstanding our wishes, and we die notwithstanding our wishes. Then what is there to be proud of? We have no control over our birth; we are merely custodians in this life, and we cannot avoid the path of death. Thus, any attempt to take pride in ourselves is pitiable. Once born, we are destined to live and destined to die. (7-178, 1959.9.6)

We are moving towards a certain place whether we know it or not. We are heading towards that place even as we work and even as we rest. Not only ourselves, but this nation, this world and furthermore, heaven and earth are going towards a certain place as well. This is an undeniable fact. To what kind of place will we go at the end of this life? This is a very important question that humankind must resolve. Through religion, philosophy and historical studies, people have mobilized to solve this question. Therefore, you cannot deny that all of you are caught up in this and are pulled by this destiny. (8-194, 1959.12.20)

Numerous sages, wise men, and founders of religions, have paused on their path of life, interrupted their minds’ concerns and their hearts’ inclinations, and asked, “Where am I going?” They have struggled to solve this question. These people set out to solve this question, but no one to this day could confidently claim, “My body, mind and heart, my life and ideals are hastening towards the ideal destination; hence, everyone and all beings existing in heaven and on earth should follow me to that place.” (8-194, 1959.12.20)

Today people live for only seventy to eighty years. Our heart knows that our lifetime is too short to allow us to restore all the realms of goodness that entangled in history. Even a billion years would still not be enough. Yet, we have to establish a lasting bond with the realm of goodness during this short period of seventy to eighty years. Our mind and conscience become desperate, knowing how immense this task is. We should not die! If we die, we cannot accomplish it. During our lifetime, we should make that connection of heart and restore the sovereignty of the Homeland on this earth. We must find the original homeland, attend the Heavenly Sovereign, and live with His people in His nation. Only then can we go to heaven in the spirit world. How desperate our heart would be if we knew we were unable to go and live in that world! (155-27, 1964.10.6)

Although I have a destiny, where is my body trying to go? Where is my mind trying to go? Toward what is my life being oriented? Where is my heart trying to go? My wishes, hopes, and ideals – where are they trying to go? Even if we cannot answer these questions, we must still follow the path to our destiny. When we die, our body will be buried in the ground. Will my mind, my life, heart, ideal, and even my hope be buried together, the day my body is buried? Do they disappear? Unless you have integrity, a clear sense of purpose, and definite answers, you will inevitably become an unhappy person. (8-194, 1959.12.20)

For what reason are we born? What should be the focus of our life, and for what purpose do we pass on? We can never answer these questions without God. Without God, we cannot find the real motive in our life. The one who is without a motive can neither reap the fruit of his work nor have his value recognized. A building is constructed according to the designer’s blueprint. A building that is built without reference to the original blueprint cannot be what the designer originally intended. (21-100, 1968.11.17)

If you make a wrong start, you will end up in the wrong place. That is why when a ship sets out into the great ocean, it should chart out the course and follow the compass carefully from the moment it first sets sail from port. Then, what is the port of departure for human life? People do not know. Where can we find the direction, the compass guiding us to reach our destination in the world beyond? Human beings have not been able to find this, so they have been wandering about back and forth. No matter how they have tried, they have not been able to overcome their human limitations. (172-28, 1988.1.3)


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