Thursday, September 19, 2019

08. Sin and Restoration through Indemnity

Fundamentals of Indemnification and the Principle of Restoration

Section 1. The Realms of Indirect and Direct Dominion

1.1. The realm of indirect dominion

If you look at the Principle of the Unification Church you will find mention of realms of indirect and direct dominion. Due to the Fall, all humanity came to remain in the realm of indirect dominion, disconnected from the realm of direct dominion. This resulted from Adam and Eve’s failure to fulfill their portion of responsibility, and consequently the providence of restoration has been prolonged. We have not understood this. What is it that we need to do in the realm of indirect dominion in order to reach the realm of direct dominion where we can be connected to the realm of God’s love? We must fulfill our portion of responsibility. (139-231, 1986.1.31)

We must be able to clarify logically that it was inevitable for God, who desired human beings to reach perfection, to create the realm of indirect dominion in which they could grow and mature. (135-314, 1985.12.15)

Why was the realm of indirect dominion created? Without creating this realm, it would have been impossible to clearly gauge the boundary between spiritual immaturity and maturity. How do we define the period of life known as adolescence? God waits until we pass through adolescence, the realm of dominion based upon accomplishments through the Principle. God cannot interfere in the realm of immature love. What human beings need is absolute love. (148-150, 1986.10.8)

What do the words “Principle of the Unification Church” mean? Why is it called the Principle? The purpose of the Principle is to show clearly the borderline between the realm of dominion based upon accomplishments through the Principle and the realm of direct dominion. Adam and Eve, as firstborn children, had to grow through the stages of formation, growth and completion. This is the way of the Principle.

Even within the realm of indirect dominion, human beings must fulfill their portion of responsibility if they are to perfect themselves. It means that until you reach maturity you should never have a love relationship. Before reaching adulthood, Adam and Eve should not have committed themselves in this kind of relationship. That is why a boundary line was set and God told them, “Wait; do not take and eat!” (137-252, 1986.1.3)

Had Adam and Eve not fallen, but passed through the realm of indirect dominion and reached young adulthood – which connects to the realm of direct dominion – then all of the forces of the universe would have been brought together at that point, harmonized, and called into action. At that focal point, man and woman would have joined together as one and God and the spirit and physical worlds would have come together.

This unity does not happen in the spirit world. No one has been able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that no one has yet hit the bull’s eye at this focal point, passing away after creating the picture of an ideal relationship. This is because they have always been out of focus, like a blurred photograph.

The horizontal focus and the vertical focus must meet at the center when the picture is taken, but it has not been possible to take photographs like that. We must know that a perfect photograph of love has never been taken. You understand, don’t you? Who among all of you has practiced that kind of love? Have you become that kind of a couple? (136-37, 1985.12.20)

The realm of direct dominion is a place where Adam and Eve can participate together, united in love. Thus, the realm of indirect dominion is the realm in which their portion of responsibility has yet to be completed. When the portion of responsibility is fulfilled and Adam and Eve become husband and wife centered on love, God becomes the internal Father and Adam and Eve become the external parents. When these unite as the inner and the outer, the realm of direct dominion is established for the first time. In this process, marriage is therefore absolutely necessary. You cannot enter this realm as a single person. (139-262, 1986.1.31)

Where does the Kingdom of Heaven expand from? It does not expand just from the point of separating from Satan. It expands from the realm of the fulfillment of human responsibility. That is to say, through Adam and Eve having fulfilled their portion of responsibility, the realms of direct and indirect dominion and the love of the heavenly realm and the love of the earthly realm connect for the first time. This is in accordance with the Principle. This has not been established so far because Satan is obstructing it. It is Satan who blocks the way of the love of God. (148-204, 1986.10.9)

No matter how broad the Christian cultural realm becomes, a perfected Adam who can manifest the true love of God must appear together with the bride. Thus, you must fulfill your portion of responsibility and enter the realm of direct dominion. You must prepare a foundation of true love in your family that can unite upper and lower, front and back, and left and right with love at the center. Is this an easy thing to do? (220-93, 1991.10.15)

After fulfilling their full portion of responsibility the True Parents must harmonize the realms of heart in the realms of indirect and direct dominion. To build the Kingdom of Heaven a base that can unify the heavenly world and the earthly world must emerge. That is the ideal of creation. Otherwise the kingdom cannot come.(148-212, 1986.10.9)

Had the first ancestors not fallen, they would have fulfilled their portion of responsibility together. However, as Satan appeared as a result of the Fall, the True Parents must establish a standard of indemnity in front of the fallen descendants so that they can transcend the global level all together. My life’s work until now has been to set up a standard of indemnity, to create a standard through which we could leap into the realm of direct dominion from the realm of indirect dominion by fulfilling such a portion of responsibility. (131-97, 1984.4.16)


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