Wednesday, October 21, 2020

13. Restoration of the True God's Homeland

Chapter one

The Restoration of the True God’s Homeland

Section 1. The Homeland that the True God Desires

Jesus came to establish the homeland of the True God. The prophets and patriots of history worked to build this same homeland. In order to establish heaven, one perfect man must come. This man must be recognized by heaven and earth, begin a family, have children, and then establish a tribe, a people and a nation. He must indemnify the relationship between Cain and Abel, engraft them to himself, and build the homeland of God’s dominion in this world. The prophets and patriots of history desired this result. However, they were unable to build the longed for Kingdom of Heaven on earth to which individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world could be connected. Therefore, we must abandon the path along which humankind has been heading and go in God’s direction. (15-278, 1965.10.30)

What would have happened if the original human ancestors, Adam and Eve, had not fallen? In Adam’s family, Adam would have become the leader of his tribe. At the same time, he also would have become the leader of his people. In addition, as the representative of the nation, Adam would have become king. Thus, the world would have united under the one philosophy based on Adam. All trivial and worthless philosophies and doctrines would have been cast aside. The myriad of doctrines that have brought great confusion to the world must be exposed at their roots and eliminated. Humanity’s system of thought should have been based on Adam. Our language should also have been Adam’s language, our culture should have been Adam’s culture, our tradition should have been Adam’s tradition, our lifestyle should have been Adam’s lifestyle, and our administrative systems should have been Adam’s administrative systems. Everything should have come under the system of thought of Adam’s nation. The philosophy of the true Adam is Godism. Everyone must become one with God, centered on His heart. This is what we call Godism. (20-123, 1968.5.1)

The place where we long to live is the heavenly kingdom. Everyone wants to live in the heavenly kingdom. Are there boundaries in the heavenly kingdom? Do they use two languages in heaven? Are there differences between the races? The answer to these questions is no.

Then what is the heavenly kingdom like? All people were born in the bosom of God; thus, from God’s point of view, we are God’s sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in the family of God. From Heaven’s perspective, we are one people, all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (66-281, 1973.5.16)

Our goal is to build a unified world and one nation under God − a nation with one sovereignty, one people, one land, and one culture that is connected to God’s lineage through the True Parents. In that nation, everyone, who is determined to become God’s heirs will establish a realm of heart and fulfill the biblical ideal to “love your enemy.” (God’s Will - 697)

The world God created cannot have national boundaries or problems between races. There would be no need for the struggle between good and evil. Yet in the world we live in today, there are borders dividing the nations and problems between people of different races. Barriers and divisions arise even within each family between husband and wife, between parents and children, and between siblings. There is fighting between good people and evil people. In light of the situation of the world today, the task of the coming Lord will be to create a world that transcends racial problems and creates one nation without borders. He will have to unite all the divided families and bring the kingdom of peace to this world where good and evil are fighting. (53-72, 1972.2.9)

Where is the original land, the original homeland of our ancestors? How is that homeland created? It is logical that the homeland be established on the standard of one specific nation. But if we ask the location of the homeland of humankind that God has been searching for, the answer is, the whole of planet Earth. The Earth is the homeland for which humanity has longed. Many of our ancestors in past generations have walked the path of sacrifice. Yet what was it they desired and for which they begged Heaven? They cried, “Please quickly bring the era of the homeland we desire!”

Through establishing a nation of God, we are to establish on earth the peaceful Kingdom of Heaven that places good above all else, that eliminates evil and judges the ringleader Satan, who, until now, has been the enemy of Heaven. Please understand that this has been the desire of our ancestors, who contributed enormously to the course of the providence, as well as the desire of God and Jesus. (155-321, 1965.11.1)

The homeland is neither America nor Korea. Wherever it is, there must be a country that encompasses a family, a tribe, and a people. For six thousand years of history God has been following countless nations, longing for and seeking one country that could be established as the heavenly nation on this earth. God has been searching to find Heaven’s loyal subjects and virtuous men and women. We must reorganize families, peoples, and nations with God as their center. Let us not forget that we have been called to bring about the day of liberation, the restoration of our homeland. The mission of religious people has been the creation of a homeland, but they often still maintain the selfish desire for personal salvation. (15-280, 1965.10.30)


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