Sunday, December 27, 2020

God has no concept of the enemy

Book 6

Our Life and the Spiritual Realm

Section 6. Judgment

6.1. God has no concept of the enemy

Why did God create humankind? Would God enjoy being alone? Would He be happy, or would He be lonely? Religion today cannot even answer these questions. Christians say, “God is the great Lord of judgment, the Judge who sends the bad to hell and the good to heaven.” If God is chief justice, is He qualified to be God? He would be a grim God. No one would want to deal with such a God. What God wanted to become was the God of true love towards humankind. (278-197, 1996.5.24)

The concept that God is the Lord of judgment does not exist in God. If He harbors the idea of getting His revenge, God’s ideal world would not emerge. That is why the concept of judgment by literal fire does not exist in God. Since the concept of the enemy is alien to Him, God raised Abel to have him bring Cain to submission through natural means, not by force. (233-228, 1992.8.1)

Even in this world, if the chief justice passes the death sentence five times, he has terrible dreams at night. If God had passed judgment on millions and billions of people and sent them all to hell, would those spirits in hell be calm? They would go after this God. How dreadful would God’s dreams be then? It wouldn’t actually be like that, but what I just said makes sense. (221-113, 1991.10.23)

Idealism cannot be found in a place where the omniscient and omnipotent God passes judgment as He pleases, sending Christians to heaven and non-believers to hell. That which is ideal must be universally valid. It must be the same in any place and at any time in the past, present or future. The reason we can say that sea water is ideal in its unchanging attributes, is because it always fills the deep places, while its surface is always horizontal. There is no change. When change happens, it becomes dualism or triple-ism. (219-39, 1991.8.25)

God cannot destroy anyone. God created with the ideal of love. God, who desires to practice the love ideal, cannot pass judgment with His rod of iron. God cannot do that. Why? It is because He created with the ideal of love. Therefore, even if that ideal has not been realized, He cannot strike. If He were to strike and left behind a tradition and habit of striking, there would be no way to resolve this. These days there is a term called ‘habitual,’ isn’t there? In light of this, the absolute God must be able to bring about absolute enlightenment, even without striking. (213-11, 1991.1.13)

Throughout history, God’s strategy in His battles has been one of being hit first, and then taking back what is His. God cannot strike first. If the argument is established that God can strike first, then the logic that God had set down the rules enabling Him to judge, would arise. If we say that God has the responsibility to judge good and evil, then the logic would arise that God had the concepts of good and evil within Himself. This would lead to dualism. For this reason God cannot strike. (242-108, 1993.1.1)

When you ask the Christians, “What does God do for a living?” they would answer, “He sits on His throne and sends evil people to hell and good people to heaven.” Is that what God does? You should try playing judge for five years at the Supreme Court. Could you do that? Imagine passing judgment on your own children, giving the death sentence to your own wife or mother. Would you be able to sleep after sentencing your own mother and father to death? Who would be able to relieve the pain in your anguished heart? Neither a nation nor the whole world would be able to remove this. It is a contradiction in itself to attend God as the master of world peace under such a one-sided view that puts God in such a miserable position. That style of Christianity must decline. (204-100, 1990.7.1)

You may not know the spirit world well but when you go there, God does not become the judge of righteousness and say, “Bang! Off to hell with you!” This never happens. How can God be like that? Would God, the Father of humankind and greatest monarch of goodness, have created hell for the sake of sending people there? Those who talk about predestination and the like are crazy. How well do you think I know the spirit world? I know about everything, even Jesus’ secrets. That is why I cracked the secrets of the Bible, and created a consistent system of thought based on an obscure Biblical reality that no one knew until today. Who indeed is the great teacher? Isn’t it the very person who is greatly persecuted, and yet is standing before you? (201-273, 1990.4.29)

The parent cannot find happiness when their beloved child falls ill. If God does not feel pain in His heart for the condition of human beings who have become the cause of national ruin, and who are falling straight down into hell, but instead, enjoys it saying, “Wow! You got what you deserved and now you are going to perish,” then such a God should be struck down by lightning.

Since He is an ideal God who represents the parental position, He does not just sit still on seeing these circumstances. When we think about the hidden heart of parents who would disregard the laws of their nation in order to save their own children, we know it is the same with God.

Were it not for Satan, God would forgive humankind and save them. Despite His desire, since God cannot avoid Satan’s accusations, then with tremendous regret, He is compelled to accept those accusations. Who understands God’s difficult and wearisome position? We should liberate Him from this situation. In order to do so, there must be such sons and daughters who can confront Satan and save those in hell. Without doing so it is impossible. (210-218, 1990.12.23)

As if it isn’t difficult enough dragging an empty wagon, God has to drag humankind in reverse. This is not a smooth path. He is dragging us backwards. Since God has to go in the opposite direction, He drags us backwards. Religious people today do not even dream that God could be doing these things.

In Buddhism and Christian thought, they think that God is omniscient and omnipotent and free to take life and give life, and can pass judgment by giving punishments and blessings. They could never be so wrong. In this light, amongst the religions, the Unification Church embraces teachings of a higher dimension. Without doubt, it is a religion that labors to find solutions. Hence, it is a religion of a higher dimension. Other than the Unification Church, there has never been a religion that is determined to liberate God. (233-270, 1992.8.2)

Christians today say that God exists as the Lord of righteous judgment who passes judgment on injustices. Yet, would such a God be at ease? Has anyone here been a judge before? When they execute a condemned criminal, the judge must also be present at the place of execution. There is no person more miserable than a judge. Do you like being chief justice? How do you want to make a living? As chief justice? How many days will you live within that environment of judgment, although you become a man of authority and have everything you deal with go smoothly just as you wish, and at your command? After a month of this life you would refuse to continue. You would be sick of it.

Even nice food becomes repugnant to you if you eat the same dish everyday. Even the odor of the gas you let out after eating it would become worse. People are meant to live according to varying circumstances, high and low, front and back, and left and right. (199-327, 1990.2.21)

If you asked God, “What do You want to do with Your life?” I am the very person who asked this and got an answer. He is not a judge. God is neither the defense attorney nor the public prosecutor. He would answer, “What is there to ask? I want to live enraptured in love.” His answer would be simple. What does He want to live enraptured in? God wants to live enraptured in love. When you are enraptured in love, your eyes go towards one location, your nose with the sense of smell would go towards that place, your lips that you use to talk with would go to that place, your ears you use to listen with would go towards that place; all of it would go towards one place. What is that stimulating element that lets us completely unify our five senses? It is love. (199-266, 1990.2.20)

Today Christianity says, “God is the holy, omniscient, and omnipotent being, and the judge who sits on His throne as the righteous Lord of Judgment and passes judgment on all people.” But do you like being a judge? If you serve as a judge for ten years, you will get sick and die; or if not, you will at least become seriously ill. If you do not get sick, you are a fake. Judges sometimes pass death sentences, and yet their verdicts cannot be absolutely right. There are many different ways of seeing the situation, and still their judgments decide whether someone lives or dies. This is a serious matter. Laws cannot be absolute in the light of the universal law. For this reason, an ordinary person will fall sick after being a judge for ten years. (198-285, 1990.2.5)

In the Christian way, we would say, “God sits on His throne in heaven as the righteous Lord of Judgment. He judges good and evil, and sends the good to heaven and the bad to hell. That is God’s hobby in life!” Amen or no-men? A judge is compelled to do it, but after passing judgment, the chief justice cannot sleep at night. He suffers regardless of whether his decision was right or wrong. There is only one judge. If this is how we are, and if we resemble God, would God enjoy being judge or would He detest it? (197-145, 1990.1.13)

Christians have not known that God is a God of grief and a God of pain. Does God exist as the Holy King and Lord of Judgment? What is there for Him to desire that would make Him want to be the Lord of Judgment? Because of the Fall, God is compelled to act as a judge. Yet no one knows how to set this right. There is no one even in religious circles who knows this. The only place that knows is the Unification Church. (196-172, 1990.1.1)

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