Thursday, January 12, 2023

The lineage of the enemy has been inherited

Fallen people became false beings and so must be engrafted. Viewed lineally, your ancestors differ from the original. You could only become adopted children because your father and mother are of a different lineage; hence, it is logical that the Fall occurred through lineage. What is the Fall? It consisted of inheriting the wrong lineage.

It makes sense that the explanation of the Fall is that it is an act of wrongful love. Thus, it is unreasonable to deny what is being asserted in the Unification Church, that the first ancestors fell through love. Doesn’t the Bible state that they fell by eating the fruit of good and evil? Do you know what that fruit is? Is it a fruit from a tree that falls and rolls around when the wind blows? It is not. (157-158, 1967.4.2)

Adam and Eve became one with Satan in their minds and inherited the lineage of Satan. God is a loving God, so why can’t He find it in His heart to forgive Satan? The Bible says He could forgive anything, even murder and robbery, and those who believe in Jesus will be forgiven their sins. So why can’t He forgive Satan? The reason God cannot forgive Satan is because he defiled the blood line of humankind. What does that mean? From God’s point of view, Satan is the adulterer, the adulterer of love. Do you understand what that means? (156-226, 1966.5.25)

Since the marriage of Adam and Eve was carried out centered on Satan, there is no way to deny that they inherited love, life and lineage centered on Satan. If they had not eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and had not fallen, their wedding would have been conducted centering on God. Just as the True Parents of the Unification Church blessed you, God would have called Adam and Eve to His presence when they were fully matured and blessed them centering on Himself. (228-254, 1992.7.5)

If Adam and Eve had not eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and instead become perfected, they would have become the son and daughter of the Great King, the Creator of the universe. If they became the son and daughter of the Great King, then who would their children have been, as grandson and granddaughter in direct descent from Him? They would have been the prince and princess. They would also have been the foundation upon which the kingdom on earth representing the heavenly nation was established. There cannot be two kingships. There can only be one. (231-27, 1992.5.31)

The only son and only daughter created personally by God with His own hands were Adam and Eve. Problems emerged because Adam and Eve fell. Then, what was the cause of the Fall? They fell because they did not obey the words of God, who told them not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What would have happened if they had obeyed the commandment? This possibility has never occurred to Christians. Even if it did, they would not have known what to make of it. It is like a boundless expanse of water. Even if they wanted to measure the depth of it, they would have had no means of doing so. Even if they wanted to know about this, there was no way for them to understand it, so they had no choice but to believe without question what they had been told. However, there can be no perfection in ignorance. (231-21, 1992.5.31)

Why do people do penance by inflicting pain on their bodies? This is because they have inherited the blood of Satan, the blood of the enemy of God. Who is this enemy of God? He is the adulterer. He is the enemy of the love of God. He is the adulterer. We inherited the blood of the adulterer.

Eve was supposed to become the heiress to the kingship of the heavenly nation; she was supposed to become the queen. However, she became the spouse of the devil, the mate of the servant instead. This is the secret of the universe. It has finally been disclosed in my time, so the satanic world should come to an end. (172-277, 1988.1.24)

There can be no perfection in ignorance. Who did I say Satan is? He is the adulterer. I have made all this clear to you. Do you think you can go to the Kingdom of Heaven if you ignore this? Do you think you can be saved if you ignore it? There is not even the slimmest chance. What a set of ignorant people! If you could be saved by just believing what you are told to believe, people like you and I would have been saved a long time ago. We would not have to suffer like this. (188-230, 1989.2.26)

Why does the devil hate God? Why does God hate the devil? Christian logic dictates that one should love one’s enemy, yet God cannot love His enemy Satan. Why? If He were to love the enemy of love, heaven and earth would disappear. The heavenly laws of governance would disappear. The laws of existence would disappear. (191-43, 1989.6.24)

Satan destroyed the ideal love of God and violated the ideal life and ideal lineage. The children borne out of these actions created the progenitors of humankind. The sons and daughters of Satan, who are the manifestations of the love, life and lineage of Satan, cannot receive the direct intervention of God. (197-286, 1990.1.20)

Why does Satan come without fail to those who, throughout our history, have walked the path of faith, strangling them, pressing them down, and sacrificing them? In God’s eyes, Satan is the adulterer who stole and violated His family. Our original mother should have attended God, and built His kingdom of peace in heaven and on earth; yet we and our original father were driven out. Satan intervened and human beings came to be in this miserable state. It was no other sin than this that he committed. (156-226, 1966.5.25)

The Fall was brought about through the illicit motivation with regard to lineage. That is why the results of the Fall have been passed down until now in the form of the original sin. Therefore, people need to change the bloodline. Why should the bloodline be changed? Human beings have inherited and passed on the bloodline of Satan, and so that lineage has to be put right. Those of you gathered here must understand this clearly. (183-308, 1988.11.7)

The people who belong to the realm of Satan have no connection whatsoever with the bloodline of God. In other words, the whole of humankind, which was supposed to have been born as the children of parents of goodness, was instead born from evil parents. They spread out across the world, as the family, tribe, a people, nation and world centered on evil. (55-133, 1972.5.7)

Do you know what the Fall was? Through that, the connection of life was severed. What happened to Adam and Eve? They were supposed to form a relationship with God, and become one with Him, but instead they became one with a servant. The result was that the whole of humankind, which was supposed to inherit the lineage of God, instead inherited the lineage of the servant. That is why, although fallen human beings may call out to God as their Heavenly Father, they don’t actually feel that He is indeed their Father. Just like their fathers and mothers, they inherited the real nature of Satan, thinking about everything based on them, and connecting all that is high and mighty to themselves. (91-242, 1977.2.23)

Through the Fall, we lost the true parent, true husband, and true child. This all happened because of Eve and the archangel. From this point of view, women living on earth today are dependent on the archangel father, archangel husband, and archangel brother. That is why these women are wretched. It is the same as the daughter of a wealthy family living with her servant. In other words, these women were born from the bloodline of the servant. That is why they have never received the love from an original husband, original father, and original brother. (51-182, 1971.11.21)

How did the devil bring about the Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Where did they cover themselves after eating the fruit? Did they cover up their mouths or their hands? Didn’t they cover up the sexual parts of their bodies? This became the seed that sowed evil. They fell before they had fully matured, while they were still adolescents. As the lineage of humankind in world history stemmed form this act, in the Last Days the phenomenon of such relationships will thrive. 

The time will come, that, across the world, young people destroy the ethics of love. They will hide in the shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and have no fear of heaven. That will be the time when the era of Satan’s worldwide dominion will come to the earth. That is when we will be faced with the iron hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)

Because of the complex entanglement of the human lineage, restoration has taken six thousand years; otherwise, almighty God would have restored everything in a day. It’s as if there is a chronic disease in the bloodline; if it were to be pulled out all at once, everyone would die. That is why it has taken six thousand years. Did the first human ancestors fall through eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? How simple things would be if that were so. (155-295, 1965.11.1)

The problem we should focus on is how the foundations of sin, the Fall, evil, and hell all came into being. We have to return to Adam and Eve to understand this. When we trace the Fall of Adam and Eve to the source, we can see that they fell because they did not obey God’s commandment, “Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil!”

The second cause of the Fall was that they became self-centered. The third cause was that they tried to love centering on themselves. This is the essence of the story that lies behind the Fall. So, we can conclude that everything connected to this is on the side of Satan. All fallen human beings have loved illicitly and self-centeredly. Therefore, we can assume that the people of the satanic world are those who express love centering on themselves. (79-198, 1975.7.27)

What! You think the Fall was brought about by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? This fruit refers to the sexual organ of a woman. When a woman meets a good husband, she becomes a good mother, but if it meets with an evil husband, she becomes an evil mother. 

There is no one who can logically deny what the founder of the Unification Church is saying. The mind and body are in constant conflict because history began with a conflict of love between the husband and wife. You cannot deny this logically. (267-240, 1995.1.8)

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