Wednesday, October 21, 2020

15. The life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk

Chapter one

God’s True Love Is the Motivating Force for the Creation

Section 1. True Love is at the Center of God’s Desire

God is the great King of truth, goodness, trueness, and love. (301-38, 1999.4.16)

Did He exist from the very beginning, or did He come into being? Even God has grown. We must know this. How can we know it? We can know it from the principle that causes everything that resembles God’s original nature to start as a small cell and grow. So what has made God grow? He has grown because of love, an absolute love wherein God is the subject partner of love and human beings are His object partners. (243-278, 1993.1.28)

God created heaven and earth, not just to see human beings, but for the sake of love. God cannot possess love by Himself, nor can He feel it on His own. Certainly, He contains love, but He cannot experience the kind of love that overflows with the joy of being in perfect harmony all by Himself. No matter how beautiful a flower may be, it must give off a fragrance; no matter how sweet its fragrance is, the wind must blow for that fragrance to be spread about. So, as the flower needs the wind, God, too, needs an object partner who will stimulate Him. (210-223, 1990.12.23)

True love is God’s fundamental motivating force by which He creates; this is why He likes true love more than anything. He can eat, just as we do. He has eyes and a nose, as well. He has all those things. That is the kind of Being He is. However, what He likes is not the lumps of gold that human beings covet. He can make those things anytime He wants. The same is true with knowledge. God is omniscient and almighty. He is the great King of knowledge and ability. (212-295, 1991.1.8)

The depth of true love incorporates everything, going all the way back to the beginning – when God was born. You have no idea how deep it is! It started at the very origin of His existence. Even after a lifetime, we can never get there, and even after going to the next world, we will continue developing toward that goal for eternity. So it is inconceivable that husbands and wives would fight and separate from each other.

Even God has grown and developed. To the very depth of His beginning, He has had the same origin as true love. At the point of origin, God was not first; love was first. We say God has dual characteristics. Why dual characteristics? Dual characteristics are cherished because of love. (246-286, 1993.4.20)

True love can be a bridge that God can use as He wishes for His travels. When the physical parts of the body are all united in love everything will be okay, and when the inner aspects are united everything will be okay. The result will be the same everywhere, whether in the north, south, east or west, whether in the heavenly world or in the earthly world, or anywhere else. Through love, the members of the body can freely interact and harmonize with one another. Only love has this power. The same is true with organizations. When we absolutely establish a political party on God’s behalf and say we will unite, we are saying that we will do so centering on Him. (139-200, 1986.1.31)

Even God absolutely obeys true love. He would even offer up His life for the sake of true love. Why are both men and women willing to sacrifice their lives for true love? The reason is that love precedes life. Why did God begin to exist? He began to exist because of love, and He exists in order to love. Had there been no concept of love, there would not have been a need for God to come into being.

Thus, everything created by God is based on the pair system. For example, in the mineral world cations and anions manifest love – though on a lower level – as they intermingle. This is being announced for the first time in history as a result of my coming into this world. I am the first in history to announce that God regards true love as being absolute, and lives in absolute obedience to true love. This is not something conceptual. It is fact. Thus God created the universe in order to launch true love. (203-103, 1990.6.17)

True love cannot exist without God’s involvement. Without God, not even the words man, woman, family, truth and love can be called true. All of these are possible only due to God’s involvement. He is the great King of truth, goodness, and love. For this reason, nothing good exists anywhere if God is not involved. The same applies to our work: Anything done without God is fraudulent and cannot be trusted. This applies to everything. So, the eternal standard, the standard of trueness, is established only on the basis of God’s involvement. (301-38, 1999.4.16)

How, then, can we distinguish between true love and false love? Egoistic love connects us to the devil, and altruistic love connects us to God and the laws of the universe. That is where the dividing line lies. God’s love gives, gives, and gives again, and then forgets that it has given. This is true love. A ninety-year-old grandmother tells her seventy-year-old son, “Hey, watch out for the cars when you go out today,” and relates to him as if he were still the young boy of many years ago. She has been telling him the same thing every day well into her nineties, but she never tires of saying it. True love is a love that loves endlessly and untiringly. (142-333, 1986.3.14)


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