Wednesday, October 21, 2020

16. True Families and the Family Pledge

Chapter one

The Family Pledge:

Declaration and Preconditions

Section 1. The Background to the Family Pledge

1.1. This is the age centering on families, not on individuals

Until now, in the Unification Church, we recited My Pledge focused on the individual. The Christian cultural sphere should have served the Lord at his Second Advent as his bride on the worldwide level. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven was to have started from 1952, but all ended up in failure. This is the reason why the providence was prolonged for forty years and the Unification Church had to go through a historical course of atonement. (260-181, 1994.5.8)

Have you ever heard the expression family pledge? It has appeared for the first time in history. The Family Pledge was established because a man and a woman lost their family. Unless we reestablish the original standard of the model family acceptable to God before the Fall, God cannot rejoice or establish the heavenly kingdom where He can dwell on the earth and in heaven. It was inevitable that this pledge would come about. (274-114, 1995.10.29)

The Family Pledge was created forty years after the founding of the Unification Church. The Family Pledge never existed before in history. Now that the Family Pledge has appeared, satanic families living in the physical world have no place where they can dwell in the future. The Family Pledge represents the fact that I indemnified four thousand years of history, and the victorious foundation made during World War II which had subsequently been lost. On this forty year foundation, the Kingdom of Heaven could now begin on earth. What is the first element of the Family Pledge? It is “Our family... by centering on true love”. Our families must live by centering on true love. What is true love? True love means we should be one with the unfallen love of God and True Parents. We should be connected to true life and true lineage based on true love. (266-143, 1994.12.22)

Forty years after the founding of the Unification Church, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was established representing completely restored families. Individuals in the restored families have united their minds and bodies centering on the original mind. Husbands and wives are united and parents and children are united. These families must learn the Family Pledge by heart.

You cannot recite the Family Pledge when your minds and bodies are in conflict or when husbands and wives are fighting. You cannot recite it without having any children. The unity of mind and body, husband and wife, and parents and children, should be centered on God’s love. This is the place where true harmonious families can enter the heavenly kingdom. Only those who are united in true love can recite the Family Pledge, which has appeared for the first time in history. (264-339, 1994.11.20)

Forty years after the establishment of the Unification Church, we founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. In order for the Family Federation to succeed, we must have an absolute regulation, something like a constitutional law. This is the Family Pledge. The expression Family Pledge never existed until now. It is the Family Pledge of going forward to, and establishing the Kingdom of Heaven. If you carefully study the Family Pledge, you can see that its contents explain that total liberation will be granted based on restoration through indemnity. Those who memorize it do not belong in the family realm of the fallen world but in the family realm of completion. The family can be established based on true love. Mind and body that were separated because of false love can now be united. This is why, without uniting your mind and body, you cannot learn the Family Pledge by heart. (264-244, 1994.11.3)

Why do we need the Family Pledge? Unification Church members must show True Parents’ family tradition to the world. It is our family motto. The time will come when it will be absolutely necessary. We are preparing for that coming time.

In the Pledge, you can see how families in God’s ideal of creation should live. The whole world must follow the Family Pledge. The seven verses within the pledge represent the entire providential history and act as a protective shield for True Parents’ victory. Even if one does not understand the providence of the Old and New Testament ages or the Divine Principle, it is possible to go to heaven if one passes through with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centering on God. (272-181, 1995.10.5)

Until now, Christians have thought that only Adam and Eve fell. They did not know that Adam’s family fell. Christians did not know that Adam and Eve’s children also fell when Cain killed Abel.

How should the members of the Unification Church pledge? You should pledge centering on your families. You do not need anything else. Happiness, freedom, peace, and even the entire cosmos, all started from a family. We need the pledge centering on families. You must not lose the families. Once we create the unified family, we can unite the world as well as the Kingdom of Heaven. (260-152, 1994.5.2)

We must send out tribal messiahs or there will be great troubles. The paths along which those tribes will be born will be blocked. By being tribal messiahs, you will be horizontally connected to the foundation Adam could have reached had he not fallen, the foundation Jesus could have completed had he not been killed, and the national foundations. The eight stages from individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and God, can be completed on earth. They are the horizontal foundations. By indemnifying all of this, you can freely go to any home in the individual, tribal, and national level without interference from Satan. Families can begin to live with God, and the Kingdom of Heaven will begin on earth. Because such a time has arrived, the Family Pledge was created. You must live according to the Family Pledge. (264-191, 1994.10.9)

The family can be both amazing and frightening. You should never forget that the content of the Family Pledge is a cosmic grand declaration. Starting from last year, I have been declaring in my speeches that people should have families. This is an absolute principle. The time to hold the Blessing Ceremony for liberating the spirit world is coming. After the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, we will begin holding the Blessing Ceremony for the spirit world. The time has come when you can call your departed spouse to be bound together with you. Even hell can be liberated. (283-90, 1997. 4.13)

We have been unable to settle until now. We have been pushed away. We have been floating here and there like clouds. The Christian cultural sphere did not have both the spiritual and physical foundations and could not settle on earth. However, since the settlement of the Completed Testament Age and True Parents, people can now be given the right of inheritance. What can one inherit within the settlement? You inherit a family. You must understand this. That is why we have the Family Pledge. We must thoroughly teach the Family Pledge. (268-226, 1995.4.2)

Until now, we recited My Pledge, but now we are reciting the Family Pledge for the first time. There had not been any Family Pledge before in history. This is an amazing fact. The forty year restoration course through indemnity has passed. Now the time has come when the world can move, led by me. That is why the Family Pledge could be born. After World War II, the worldwide unified Christian cultural sphere was destroyed, but now it has been conditionally restored on my victorious worldwide foundation. (263-110, 1994.8.21)

The seven year period should have been the seven years from 1945 to 1952. But it was extended into a forty year period between 1952 and 1992. Focused on the Unification Church, this took us forty years. We were then able to proclaim the family declaration in May of 1994. It was a historic event. We are restoring human history based on numbers. (265-293, 1994.11.27)

Centering on the settlement age of True Parents, you must establish the family completion age without shame before God. So, we needed the Family Pledge. We need it. We will need it. Which one is it? We need it! That’s the way it is. It will be the motto for thousands or tens of thousands of years. It’s amazing! You must be grateful for the fact that you can recite the pledge due to your liberation by the removal of the mask of false religions. I have gone through such bitter sorrow and shed countless tears through the years to bring you to this point. I have offered my own blood to lead the Unification Church until now. If you cannot go beyond the sacrificial altar, you can never go to the heavenly kingdom. You must make this altar. (261-98, 1994.5.22)


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