Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Marriage brings together heaven and earth

Book Nine

Blessed Family

Chapter One

Section One

1.2.3. Marriage brings together heaven and earth

Why do people get married? What good things are they hoping for? It is to expand the love of God. It is to expand His people. It is to expand His lineage. (144-80, 1986.4.8)

For what reason do people get married? It is in order to go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and for the sake of humanity. The man must realize that the woman who stands before him is the daughter of God and the daughter of humanity. If he can love the woman as the beloved daughter of humanity and of God, he has the right to become the husband. But if not, he cannot become her spouse. It is the same in the case of the woman. She should not think, “He is my man!”

Firstly, she should consider him as the son of God and the man who represents all men of humanity. She should be the woman who can love him more than anyone else and even love him more than God Himself.

So, man and woman should get married with this thought in their mind: The man should act as the right foot and the woman as the left foot, and together they can move forward, step by step, taking footsteps of love for the sake of humanity and God, through their family. The right foot is the husband and the left foot is the wife. In that sense, if you do not get married, you are crippled.

Furthermore, both right foot and left foot should be perfect. If one foot is not perfect, the marriage would become lame. That is why only perfected men and perfected women can lead a harmonious married life. When a wife likes her husband, it is the same as her liking humanity and God. When she loves her husband, it is the same as her loving humanity and God. (Blessed Family - 360)

Marriage is a very serious thing. Marriage is the coming together of heaven and earth, east and west, north and south, and high and low. Then, where does love go? When the two become one, where does love go? Why should we seek love? By seeking love, we automatically go to the central place of the environment. If people do not have a family, they are imperfect in this society. No one will ever trust them. That is because they fall short of the standard of the principle in sustaining the universe and so people do not acknowledge their value. That is only logical. (139-64, 1986.1.26)

The coming together of a man and woman is the same as the coming together of heaven and earth. (67-63, 1973.5.20)

Man represents the heaven and woman represents the earth. Therefore, the two should come together in harmony and form parallel lines. (Blessed Family - 344)

The place where a man and woman embrace each other in love is the place where the universe unites into one. The universe originally intended by God at the time of creation, and fulfilled in the ideal of God, would appear like this. (22-201, 1969.2.4)

Our views on marriage make us think like this: “I will make love on a spread of the finest brocade in the universe!” Your marriage is the moment you make a lifelong decision about the right of possession centering on true love. You will be given the right to possess a woman for your whole life. Who is this woman? She represents half the universe. On the day you receive the right of possession of her, the universe will follow you, chasing after you wherever you go.

Then, why do women marry? By attaching herself to a man, half of the universe comes together with the other half, and the joining together of the two begins a relationship that is equal to the value of the whole universe. That is why they marry. When you consider this, you cannot help but wonder at the greatness of the ideology of the Unification Church. (113-33, 1981.4.26)

Do you like flowers that have no fragrance? People are not so inspired by flowers that do not have any fragrance. Would you claim, “If I were ever to become a flower, I would become a green one”? Have you ever seen a green flower? I have visited many botanical gardens, and I have never seen a green flower. A flower the same color as the leaves would be completely useless. From this you can see that the laws of nature go beyond our comprehension. The example of the green flower is enough to convince you that there is a God. All the leaves in the world are green, so would there be a need for green flowers as well? I have seen only one flower that is sort of greenish. It is the pepper blossom, but when you look at it more closely, it is actually not green. From the contextual point of view, there are many colors, including red. The color of the flower is different from the color of the leaves so that they stand out, and when they stand out, they become a part of the harmony in the world of creation. They must stand out to comply with the laws of creation in the harmony of the universe. Our understanding of marriage is so much more magnificent. You cannot help but wonder at the greatness of the Unification Church’s views on marriage. (113-33, 1981.4.26)

The free love marriages you see in the world today are traps set by Satan, trying to make people fall so they cannot move towards the presence of God. Once you are caught in this trap, you will spiritually die and be controlled by Satan, or become his prey.

Because of widespread free marriage in modern Western society, particularly the United States, it is becoming more difficult to form true families. The number of people who fail in family life is increasing day by day, so that in the not too distant future, the majority of people will not have families at all. When that happens, American society will become increasingly loveless. I can tell you with conviction that, in the end, it will become a hell-like society, dominated by anxiety and fear because of mistrust.

At this time, you have been given the responsibility and mission of eradicating these kinds of social trends. You must establish a society here in America that is brimming over with love and is desired by God. (Blessed Family - 364)

Our views on marriage in the Unification Church are very special. Marriage is there for us to return to the Origin. (182-186, 1988.10.23)

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