Sunday, December 11, 2022

True marriage reflects the form of God

1.2.1. True marriage reflects the form of God.

Why should you get married? It is in order to resemble the form of God. God exists with dual characteristics. He is a unified being in which both characteristics exist together in harmony. Man and woman were created to reflect the dual characteristics of God, and so, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, become like the seed, and return to the position of the true character of God. (290-70,1988.218)

We should sing in praise of the greatest holiness of marriage. The only way a man and woman can love each other is through marriage. When they come together in this union, whom do they resemble? They resemble God. Only when a man and woman unite into one can they resemble God, who created us in His image. Only then can He reside in us. (70-76, 1974.2.8)

When you consider the Divine Principle, you can see that if Adam and Eve had not fallen, and instead became perfected, they would have been prepared for marriage. In other words, Adam and Eve were the substantial object partners of God. With Him as the subject partner, they automatically became the object partners. As the object partners, they should have achieved individual perfection. This would have been the foundation upon which they could connect their objective love to God, the subject of love, and fulfill the Blessing through marriage. After all, perfection refers to marriage, and marriage refers to the realization of God’s love. To put it more simply, if marriage did not exist, genuine love shared between people would never have developed in this world. Who is the owner of that love? We must understand that the owner is not human beings, but God. (76-40, 1975.1.26)

Marriage exists in order to perfect the ideal of creation. In other words, you get married to fulfill the purpose of creation. Then whose purpose is the purpose of creation? It is God’s purpose before it can ever become the purpose of Adam. So, it follows that God should feel joy before Adam. That is the way it should be. Considering all this, for whom do we get married? It is for God. Simply put, marriage is for the sake of God’s will, which is the purpose of creation. That Will is involved with perfecting the ideal of creation. (35-231, 1970.10.19)

God exists with dual characteristics. Therefore, when the time comes for matured Adam and Eve to form the connection of love with each other, God’s masculinity can reside in Adam and His femininity can reside in Eve. By residing in our minds and bodies, God Himself can also be a part of the marriage.

Adam’s mind is like the holy of holies, his body is like the most holy place, and God is residing in him, both in mind and body. If this had come to pass, Adam and Eve would both have become the body of God. Adam would resemble the male characteristics of God, and Eve the female characteristics. When they come together in holy matrimony, that wedding ceremony would be where the kingship of the universe is established. What is that kingship? It is the kingship of love. (143-236, 1988.3.19)

Why do people get married? 

It is to love God. Why should we love God? It is because we need to become one with the axis of God. What are we trying to achieve by becoming one with God? What happens when we become one with Him? Why should we become one with God? Centering on the absolute God and his eternal love, we can achieve eternal life. And this is not all. From the place where we come to meet with Him, the right of inheritance of the universe is bequeathed. The world created by God, centering on love, belongs to Him, but that world can become mine through the right of inheritance. (136-39, 1985.12.20)

The love between a husband and wife is engrafted to the vertical love of God. Once you become one with that vertical love, there is no one on earth who can detach it. The engrafted love is bound so strongly to the love of God that no one can ever separate it. That is why even though everyone complains about their lives and how difficult it is to go on living, they still continue to seek the path of love. (180-309, 1988.10.5)

How can you discover your value? This is the question. Men are born for women and women are born for men. Why should a man and woman come together in union? Because they cannot feel the love of God without becoming one. This is the problem. Unless a man and woman unite into one through perfected love, they cannot possess the love of God. So, why do people get married? To possess the love of God. (165-178,1987.5.20)

Since the absolute God needs love absolutely, He needs to find an object of absolute love. (144-219, 1986.4.24)

Adam and Eve should have fully matured and become the object partners of God as the bride and groom. Then they should have received the Blessing of God and become a family through His love. This would have created the realm of perfected love that was achievable in the Garden of Eden without the Fall. If Adam and Eve had fulfilled individual maturity, they would have risen to the position where they could receive the Blessing. (76-45, 1975.1.26)

Of all the blessings in the world, the most precious blessing is the love of God. The second most precious blessing is inheriting God’s power of creation. Just as God created Adam and Eve, you were given the power to create through the children you give birth to. Why do you love your children? You love them because you have inherited horizontally the great achievement of God. That achievement is the substantial creation, and so you feel the same joy from your children as God felt from Adam and Eve.

Thirdly, God bequeathed to us the right of dominion, so that we can have dominion over the creation just as God Himself has dominion over it. Therefore, you must understand that at the moment you are married, you inherit the love of God. At the same time, as you enter the realm of perfection, you are bequeathed the power of a second creator and right of dominion.

This is why marriage refers not only to the fulfillment of God’s love, but also to the bequeathal of the rights of creation and dominion. (76-45, 1975.1.26)

The ideal of creation is not achieved centering on oneself. All hearts must become one with God, the subject. If He moves, I move. If He does not move, I do not move. In other words, the inside and outside must become one centering on unity of heart. The purpose of creation cannot be fulfilled unless the standard is set, through which you can become harmonized with God in the manner described above. (35-231, 1970.10.19)



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