Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Realm of the royal family does not include the direct children

Book 16

Chapter 2

Section 3. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Three

3.3.3. The Realm of the royal family does not include the direct children

The realm of the royal family does not include the children from my direct lineage. My direct children stand in a position that has transcended indemnity. Up until the present day, fallen people have been using the authority of the right of the eldest son to take everybody to hell, but now, having relinquished the right of the eldest son, they stand in the position of the realm of the younger son. Originally, everyone should have been in the position of the eldest sons of the royal family. At any rate, now, because the fallen world has come to stand in the younger son’s position, God recognizes them as being equally part of the royal family on God’s side. They are included on God’s side, and because of this, any conditions through which Satan or anyone falling under Satan’s dominion can accuse God have been totally obliterated. That is why we can state that God is fair and just. The mission that stands before each of you now, then, is to achieve individually, centering on your own self and your own clan, centering on your own nation. (258-229, 1994.3.17)

What is the realm of the royal family? If you think of yourselves as the children of my direct lineage you are making a bad mistake. From the viewpoint of having completed restoration, there are restored women and restored Cain and Abel, and then there is Cain and Abel within my own direct lineage, Mother and the children. These are two different lines. God has been restoring the world, so once this is completed, how will he deal with the people from the Cain-realm? He cannot simply kill them off. Originally, all the people in this position would have become the royal family, the royal family of Adam. But because they were dragged towards Satan and pulled to his side, they need to now be re-engrafted into their original rights once they are restored to their original state. That’s why we have to connect or include the restored women and children into the realm of the royal family. What I’m explaining is that we have to bring all of humankind into creating this realm of the royal family. (256-327,1994.3.14)

There are two sets of laws for the royal family. The royal family has to follow the law of the nation as well the laws or rules of the royal family itself. In order for the five billion descendants of Adam alive today to stand in the realm of the royal family, they have to become absolutely one with the children of my direct lineage in a relationship of Cain and Abel. Actually, you are not qualified to just come directly to me. The Blessed families do not belong to Satan, or to anywhere else except to Heaven’s side, but they exist as Cain and Abel, the eldest son and the younger son.

The question is how many of you will be chosen. Even though the entire population of humankind might belong to the realm of the royal family, the real question is whether they have a direct connection to me or not. By having your children marry into my direct lineage, the realm of the royal family will be unified and eventually Cain and Abel will disappear. If you ask what the highest hope of all the women sitting here could be, the answer is having someone from their descendants marry into my direct lineage. (249-114, 1993.10.8)

The direct children of the Lord at his Second Coming do not have to establish indemnity conditions. They are not restricted or “caught” by indemnity conditions. The indemnity conditions are rather left to the women and the sons of the Cain realm here on earth, not the children of my direct lineage. This also applies to Mother. In fact, the same reality applies also to Sung-jin and his mother. The entire Cain realm is actually recognized as the realm of the royal family. When the Cain realm is placed in the position of the restored younger brother and regarded and treated as the royal family, Satan has no way to make accusations.

Why will Satan have to recognize and acknowledge this? Simply because there will be no condition for him to claim them as his children. If we do not acknowledge all of humankind in the position of the realm of the royal family, it means that there will remain within Satan’s sphere a group of people not included in that royal family realm. In this case, Satan will continue to have a base for existence. However, because we accept everyone in humankind as the realm of the royal family, Satan has no choice but to cease to exist. This, then, is a very important point, and you must not be confused about it. (260-156, 1994.5.2)

Throughout history, numerous religious founders, saints and sages have emerged, up until the present day, yet none of them has had any real connection with true love. Jesus Christ came to this world as the Messiah in order to resolve this problem, and he invested himself to establish the foundation of “the bride” and “the bridegroom.” So what exactly then does the Messiah have to do after coming to this world? He has to establish a new realm of the royal family, all the while heading in the direction of a new family, a new clan, a new nation and a new world.

Who is the direct ancestor of the realm of the royal family? The direct ancestor is the one who comes as the unfallen, direct son of God’s original true love, standing on the foundation of true life, true love, and true lineage. He is the seed. Once a root extends out from that seed, it will be the central core root, and this will grow into the core branch and core flower bud. As the tree of this seed grows vertically, it will correspondingly expand in a horizontal direction, so that the family and tribe are connected to it, as are the ethnic group, the nation and the entire world. (263-194,1994.10.4)

Thus far, not even one person on earth has been born through the True Parents. Those who are born to this world without a connection to the lineage of the True Mother and the True Father, that is, the True Parents, have no way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. From the viewpoint of God’s ideal of creation, we are meant to receive the lineage of True Parents, to attend them as the owners of the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven, and to live together with them as their relatives, centering on true love. Then, after having grown up in this way, we are meant to marry and leave our descendants behind, and in a very natural way pass on into the spirit world, thus entering the Kingdom of Heaven. What this means is that anyone who doesn’t have real, tangible experiences of love centering on this realm the royal family cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s actually quite clear. (250-49, 1993.10.11)

The process of dealing with everything centering on the ideal of love has formed the path of history. This is the mainstream ideology or thought of the history of God’s providence. What again are the key points of that mainstream thought? In general, we can say there are four primary aspects. The key aspects of the mainstream thought in this fallen world or the mainstream thought that preceded creation are as follows: Firstly, the restoration of the right of the eldest son, or the establishment of the right of the eldest son. Secondly, the restoration or the establishment of the realm of the parent, thirdly, the restoration or the establishment of the right of kingship, and finally the restoration or establishment of the realm of the royal family. Each of these is included within that mainstream thought.

Adam was meant to be the eldest son, and Adam’s brothers and sisters were meant to be the royal family. If Adam had not fallen, he would have established within his own family his position as the eldest son and his position as the king. At the same time, his younger brothers would have formed the royal family. His elder sister or younger siblings, etc, would have become the royal family, and this right of the eldest son, Adam’s right of the first son, would have continued for hundreds and thousands of generation, eventually forming a nation and the whole world, finally becoming all of humankind.

This is the reason why the mainstream kingship has to be one, and why, centering on the realm of the royal family, the right of kingship and the realm of the parent, everything needs to come together to form one world. The root for all this is one, single root. There cannot be two. (247-134, 1993.5.1)


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